I am trying to reply to a friends cousin I met while over in Vietnam last year and appreciate the help...


I have not forgotten you it just took me a long time to find somewhere to translate your messages and have my messages translated back to Vietnamese. It makes me happy to hear from you and be able to talk with you but still wish it was easier for us to communicate with each other. I am glad to hear that your school is going well. How long will it take you to get your degree? What job did you get?

Where do you live in Vietnam? It would be great to see you again.
I would like to make it back to Vietnam in the summer but will not know for a few months. Your Aunt Paulina and Susan are planning to go to Nha Trang for a few months in the summer and likely visit Ho Chi Minh. I am supposed to go to Europe to see a friend in July and was going to try and see if I can meet up with them in Nha Trang. I will let you know when I have a better idea of my plans.

I am attaching some of pictures from our trip and I will see if I can find any others, enjoy and look forward to hearing from you.
