powered by ![](/cdn/images/evtran.gif)
If you are using Firefox, Netscape 6 or any other Mozilla browser, these plugins will let you lookup for any word in Vdict dictionary from your browser search box.
Please click on plugin names to automatically install:
Plugin name | Description |
vdictev | English - Vietnamese dictionary |
vdictve | Vietnamese - English dictionary |
vdictvf | Vietnamese - French dictionary |
vdictfv | French - Vietnamese dictionary |
vdictvv | Vietnamese - Vietnamese dictionary |
vdictee | English - English dictionary |
vdictfoldoc | Computing dictionary |
vdictall | All Vdict dictionaries. This does not mean it includes all above plugins, but it will search in all dictionaries when you lookup for a word. |
If you cannot use automatic installation (javascript disabled), you can download all plugins and install them manually
Download: .zip format - tar.gz format
Installation: Uncompress the file, and copy its contents to searchplugins directory and restart Mozilla. Typical searchplugins directory locations are:
C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\searchplugins\
/Applications/ Pluginor:
~/Library/Internet Search Sites/My Channel