Warning: preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead in ..../includes/class_bootstrap.php(430) : eval()'d code on line 456 Please translate into English for me?
Anh, em nho anh nhieu lam ,em ngu kg duoc anh oi,anh ve viet nam di anh,em kg doi hoi gi dau,em muon anh va em hieu va thong duoc em va anh kg thua suc ai dau ,tai gi em va anh hieu duoc nhieu viec ,ma nguoi chua tung kho, giong nhu anh va em, chuc anh luon binh an,vui tuoi trong cuoc song
I can't undertstand it all but I undertstand the gist... so
I miss you a lot, I cant sleep darling, come back to VN!, I want you, I undertstand,
some in the middle I don't get (yet)
wishing you peace and good health and happiness in your life.