Could you help me to explain, when you use tai sao and vi sau to ask why?
Is there a difference in when you are using these words in a sentence?
Thank you!
Could you help me to explain, when you use tai sao and vi sau to ask why?
Is there a difference in when you are using these words in a sentence?
Thank you!
Thank you so much!
Could you tell me, in general more about the difference between "tai" and "vi".
Do you also use a these word, for telling a reason "then"?
It is so difficult for me making a "main sentence and a "secondary sentence"
Sorry for asking so clumpsy.
Kindest regards,
generally, "tại sao" and "vì sao" are the same meaning (= why)
to tell the reason, we can use either "tại..." or "vì..." or "tại vì..." (= because)
for example:
tại sao / vì sao + anh yêu em?
tại / vì / tại vì + em đẹp
So it would be possible to say:
Anh yeu em,tai vi em dep, anh yeu em, boi vi em dep?
Vi anh yeu em, ....?.em vui?
and can you say, "vi vay or boi vi em dep, anh yeu em?
And can this be made negative like maybr:
Vi vay em khong dep, anh khong yeu em?
Nhất tự vi sư , bán tự vi sư
1st Version:
Anyone who teaches me one word - even half a word - is still my teacher.
2nd Version:
Even he who teaches me the smallest bit can still be called my teacher
Please correct my grammar as you see fit. Much appreciated!
Tại sao?= vì sao? = why?
Tại vì= tại = vị = because or because 0f
vì anh yêu em = tại anh yêu em = tại vì anh yêu em = because I love you
Vì vậy is different from bởi vì.
Vì vậy = then, thus
Bởi vì= tại vì = because
vì em không đẹp (nên) anh không yêu em ? (right)
Vì vậy em không đẹp , anh không yêu em ? (wrong)
Nhất tự vi sư , bán tự vi sư
1st Version:
Anyone who teaches me one word - even half a word - is still my teacher.
2nd Version:
Even he who teaches me the smallest bit can still be called my teacher
Please correct my grammar as you see fit. Much appreciated!
Thank you very much for helping me!
Due to a change of my password my first profile Birgit has gone, so now I am Birgit Muusmann. I do not know, how to combine the two, so that I can be just one person again.
Cam on rat nhieu!
Has somebody got time, to check this for me? I have tried using tai vi, vi vay and some modal verbs. I added the words in red.
I will try to do the accents this afternoon.
Thank you in advance!
1) Em Nhu dang lam viec o co quan, vi vay chi Birgit nen gui sms cho em Nhu.
2) Chi Birgit muon em Nhu gui bai tap cho chi vi vay /boi vay em Nhu vua di lam ve, da*phai .. viet bai tap cho chi.
3) Em da gui sms cho anh Carsten, tai vi anh Carsten khong tra loi em.
4) Anh K. nen gui tien ve Viet Nam cho nguoi yeu, boi vi* Nguoi yeu cua anh can nhieu tien.
5) Co ay suot ngay di cho Lon, cho Nho va ngu, vi the/ tai vi co ay khong lam gi ca.
6) Anh Carsten khong thich em nua tai vi/ boi vi anh khong moi em toi du sinh nhat 50 tuoi cua anh.
7) Anh ta be. Anh ta khoe, tai vi anh ta lam viec suot ngay khong met.
8) Anh C. khong thich chung toi nua, tai vi anh C. khong muon choi voi chung toi nua.
9) Nguoi Viet Nam thich on ao boi ??????this I do not understand
ho thich noi nhieu
10) Em Phuong khong thich di lam, co le tai vi em luoi, hai tai vi chung co nhieu tien.
11) Em Khanh khong den nha chi Birgit nua,tai vi chi Birgit khong tich vi em ay dut lot chi, va khong lam nha tot/sach, vi vay chi Birgit nen nahn vien moi de lam nha.
12) Em Khanh dut lot chi Birgit, vi vay chi Birgit buon lam va cho em tức giận
13) Mua dong o Dan Mach rat ret, tai vi nuoc Dan mach o phia bac cua Europe. Nuoc nay co gio bac va co tuyet lam.
14) Hang nam chi Birgit va chong chi di nghi o Viet Nam vao mua dong..tai vi hai nguoi thich song o Viet Nam nhung khong co gian trouc mua he.
15) Em met qua, tai vi em sao do gio lam viec o cong ty nen
viet bai tap cho toi
16) Em ban qua boi vi em nen lam viec nhieu va em phai di lam bang xe dap 20 ki lo met, tai vi khi em di bang xe hoi em bi om/sai
17) Hom nay em day rat som, tai vi em nen viet bai tap nua cho toi truoc khi em di lam.
18) Hom qua trong luc em dang lam viec chi birgit gui sms cho em.
19)* Troi ret qua, vi hom nay co gio bac.