hmmm thay ddo' ru`i la`m ma.t la. nhaa...xi'
hmm co' gi` new dzi' anh hong
hmmm thay ddo' ru`i la`m ma.t la. nhaa...xi'
hmm co' gi` new dzi' anh hong
It is difficult to translate as it has some odd/conversational slang and usage. Here is a very rough translation:
"hmmm thay ddo' ru`i la`m ma.t la. nhaa...xi'"
Hmmm. Saw you [on] just now but you ignored me. Forget you!
[literal translation for "ma.t la." is "strange face" or about being a stranger. "xi" is similar to the English "Sheesh", a noise you make to express a youthful displeasure toward someone]
> hmm co' gi` new dzi' anh hong
Hmmm. Anything new to chat with me?
[I'm not 100% sure that "dzi'" means "with"]
Last edited by jamestks; 06-07-2009 at 06:50 AM.
Thank you for your help![]()