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Thank you for the translation procedural understanding and the translation. I am learning so much from you. I am so very grateful.
Maintenance Operation:
1.Remove any accumulation of dust and dirt from
2. Remove any product or components from process
3. Inspect for broken, loose, or frayed pneumatic or
electrical lines.
4. Insure that all plumbing and electrical connections
are secure.
1. Check to insure all touchscreen commands and
screens, including color definition and horizontal
and vertical hold, are in proper operating order.
200 Run Hours
1. Clean exhaust controller system RTD probe
2. Inspect, Clean and Lubricate conveyor.
400 Run Hours
1. Verify each zones heating elements.
2. Change air filter.
3. Clean support rail lead screws.
2000 Run Hours
1. Replace UV lamp, Zone 1.
2. Replace UV lamp, Zone 2.
4000 Run Hours
1. Replace rail edge heat reflectors.
2. Replace UV reflector, Zone 1.
3. Replace UV reflector, Zone 2.