see this is what ABC's can do to help you learn English

The ABC’s of Being a P.E.A.C.E. Pal
A ddress all people with respect.
Believe in myself to do the right things at all times.
Constantly look for ways to improve myself.
D evote time to reading this pledge of P.E.A.C. E. daily.
E xpect the best from myself.
Forgive people that cause me to feel frustrated or angry.
G ive people my attention when they are talking to me.
H appiness is what I should always create for myself and others.
I gnore people who call me names, talk about me, or try to fight with me.
J oin groups or clubs where the people do positive and good things.
K eep away from guns, knives, and things that can hurt me.
L ove everyone and look for the good in them.
M otivate myself to be successful in all that I choose to do.
N ever take out my frustrations on other people.
O nly hang-out with people I know and trust.
P eople Excelling in Academic and Character Education are great.
Q uestion myself about the consequences before I act out.
R ead every day to boast my thinking power.
S tart each day with a good attitude.
T alk to my parents or teacher when I don’t understand.
U se an attitude of love rather than anger to solve conflict.
V alue friendships over material things.
W hatever my mind can conceive if I believe I can achieve.
X-out any doubt about my ability to be successful.
Y elling at someone is not necessary.
Zoom in on becoming the best at where ever I choose to be.