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Dear Parents,
When parents are involved with a school, their children get a better education.
Involving all parents is one of the major goals of your Bancroft Elementary School Parent and Teachers Association (PTA).
What’s why we are inviting you to attend a special parents’ meeting that will be conducted in Vietnamese on XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX at 6:30-8:00 PM in one of the Even Start classrooms near the school office.
We are a bilingual school with a focus on English and Spanish, but we want to do a better job of including our Vietnamese-speaking families and to do everything possible to make sure you can participate fully.
Join us to share your concerns, needs and ideas—or just to listen.
Please come if you can.
Kinh thua qui phu huynh,
Khi cha me lien he voi truong hoc thi van dee giao duc cua tre co se kha hon.
Cha me hoc sinh gop phan vao la trong tam cua Hoi truong va giao vien.....
Do la ly do tai sao chung toi moi phu huynh den du buoi gap mat dac biet thuc hien bang tieng VN o ngay gio...tai ...nhung lop hoc gan van phong truong.
Chung toi la truong song ngu Anh va Me nhung chung toi muon lam kha hon bang cach bao gom nhung gia dinh noi tieng VN va se tim cach lam the nao de chac chan qui vi den tham du day du.
Hay cung chung toi chia xe moi van de, nhu cau va y kien - hoac la chi du thinh (nghe la thoi)
Kinh moi neu co the
Thanh that.
Dich nhan khong dau nhung toi tin la hieu duoc.