Hi everyone,
I just started a Wordpress blog for Vietnamese grammar.
Currently there are 25 lessons and I plan to add 1 lesson a day.
It starts from the most basics (I think) and will progress to more advanced structures.
Right now I'm adding only grammar lesson, but I hope to add audio, video and interactive lessons in the future.
I'm a native speaker and I've been tutoring Vietnamese in the United States for 3+ years.
I couldn't find a good study source to recommend to my friends & students so I started my own.
If you're studying or know someone who's interested in the language, check out the site.
Comments, feedback, and suggestions are welcome!
Let me know if you find it useful or if I should improve somewhere.
I'm also looking for collaborators
- Reviewers: intermediate/advanced students or native speakers to review/proofread the content of the lesson
- Web designers: someone who can help me design an easier to use website. I'm not a web designer so I'm having a hard time figuring out how to structure the site.
- Co-author: requirement: fluent or near fluent Vietnamese. We'll brainstorm and write (record/tape) the lessons together. Right now I have enough content for about 100+ lessons. If you speak Southern Vietnamese, let me know. I speak Northern Vietnamese and the vocabulary and pronunciation are somewhat different.
- Compensation: I can barter lesson/translation/interpretationbut there's no material compensation
For all other inquiries, you can contact me at seahorseviet at gmail.com.