Originally Posted by
keep on dancing
Hello, guys!
I suppose you'll agree with me that practicing Enlish with natives is essential part of learning foreigh language. Unfortunally, we don't always have an opportunity to communicate with them in the "real world", so we should use "The matrix" =)
So, I would like to start this thread as a thread where we all will post different features of finding native in the Internet. I would like to begin. Catch up on me!
There is one famous blog-platform LiveJournal. I bet you've heard about it. I know there are many others, but I prefer this one. Create your journal, add frieds, read them and ask them read you, comment, and proofread. I have several good friend there.
FaceBook is another way of acquiring penpals. Create an account, get interface in English (not your native language), find several groups you are interested in and... speak up!
There are some special social networks such as italki. They are aimed to help you find the person who leans your native language. You help him or her, and they help you. Fair. Don't you think?
... something like that.