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My Blogs (Writings about every day life) - Page 2
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Thread: My Blogs (Writings about every day life)

  1. #11
    Senior Member dewdrops's Avatar
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    Her Man

    When she was a baby I would always play music to her for her to drift to sleep..her sleep routine was to wash her..read to her and put her cd on...and then I would leave her room...

    at first it was a baby's lullaby cd..then one day I misplaced her cd..so grabbed a Harry Connick Jnr cd to play instead..

    ever since it's always been that one cd..she wont change to another..

    the other day hubby was at a meeting..and so I tucked her in...read her her Cinderelly book..said good night..cuddled kissed..and off I went..wasn't thinking and forgot about her cd... that night she woke up 4 times screaming..she went at 8pm..by 11pm I was exhausted as kept on running to her room to quieten her down..

    on my last trip I couldn't soothe her ..she wouldn't stop crying....every time she cried I just wanted to bolt.. the alternative would have been to muffle her cries...feeling desperate I turned on her man cd...and left..

    after that she didnt wake up till morning..no screams..the cd did its magic..don't know what I would do if that cd ever get scratched..it's been playing every night for the last few years..might have to stock up on his music..
    Last edited by dewdrops; 07-20-2011 at 06:44 PM.
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  2. #12
    Senior Member dewdrops's Avatar
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    Once in a lifetime..this was about my special guy..he was my once in a lifetime..thought I would never meet him..you see ..we lived half the world away from each other..finally met him last year..still kept all our memories..safely in my heart..or rather in my head..

    I still have his ipod..which I take every time I go on my walks..he has still my secateurs..which he uses every time he does his gardening..we still keep in touch..here and there..he asked me the other day when he will see me next..I replied don't know..I would love to go see him again..may be one day..

    Hôm đó tôi kể anh nghe tôi đang dọn dẹp nhà cửa ...

    tôi khoe ...I have a cupboard for everything..

    anh...do you have one for my heart?

    tôi...yes...it's a cupboard complete with a lock..

    anh...just don't lose the key ...

    tôi ...hehehe I am throwing the key away...

    anh...i'll be lonely just by myself in that cupboard ...

    tôi...that way I get to keep it forever...

    anh..that's so sweet ...

    tôi...that cupboard is also where I keep my heart..

    oh! v...
    Last edited by dewdrops; 07-21-2011 at 05:19 AM.
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  3. #13
    Senior Member dewdrops's Avatar
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    my signature...thương lắm lắm nghìn vàng ..

    Trả Giá :

    Tôi ..thương nhiều ...anh..nghìn vàng ?..tôi nah ...

    Anh ...vậy thì 999 vàng cũng được ..tôi... what about 0 vàng ??

    anh cười you are one tough negotiator...998 vàng ?? tôi...how about 0 vàng and my heart ...

    anh...I'll take it ..
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  4. #14
    Senior Member dewdrops's Avatar
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    My Longest Love
    It all started in year 7. I was enrolled into a public high school. They had a music program there and I guess my dad being a romantic and all enrolled me to learn the flute. His idea was his little girl would be thùy mị ...I used to have long hair down to mid back.. and so the flute was the most likely candidate...

    I would have rather learn the drums or saxophone. Anyhow that was how my love affair began...Endless practising in the garage...as both of my parents detested the early sound of the flute...so I was forever banned to the garage to practise...
    I fell in love with Vietnamese music ever since I was little...the lyrics always have moved me...As my playing got better I started investing in Vietnamese music books just so I can play the songs.

    In Year 8 I got into an all girls high school so my parents rewarded me with a 2nd hand flute...my pride and joy...It is nearly 26 years old now...as it was already 5 years old when I got it..
    As I grew older my love grew multiplied many times for my flute...for I found it was well suited to Vietnamese music...especially Trinh's ...I used it to channel my feelings. It cried for me when I am sad and when I am happy it shared my joys...My flute is now part of me its music is.....my soul... for all to see...

    For a few months now...longings to play the flute is there yet I can't...I have found myself unable to unlock the case...take it out put it together to play...the sadness in me would not go away....I am hesitant to open the case ...I don't know why...I will one day...for my love has helped me through troubled times before and it will help me again ...

    Last edited by dewdrops; 07-21-2011 at 05:12 AM.
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  5. #15
    Senior Member dewdrops's Avatar
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    My Longest Love (cont)

    I opened my case the other day...half scared and half excited.. scared I will sound awful excited that I am actually opening the case after nearly a year of not playing..

    To my surprise the sound came out all right...I sounded okie...after the warm up...need to work more on when to breathe..the trick is you have to somehow take a breath at the right time..if too quick your breath is not long enough to last the distance..and if you delay you end up exhausted..for a novice like me I have to go through the songs and mark where I am to take a breath...

    I haven't played for so long because I haven't felt like it...in a way I have abandoned my best friend..it's always there for me when I am down...it has never abandoned me...if I had to choose what to take should there is an emergency I would take it and my pile of music...everything else is replaceable....photo albums if there is room...all my memories are in my head anyway so it is an extra if nothing else...

    Yes I would take my flute and my pile of music...

    Today I felt like playing again...I played for myself and not for anyone else...if the artists/composers should hear me play...I think they would turn in their graves.. what the heck...music is music...

    I never cared much for the technical bits...what's the point of being technical when you can't feel the music...you might end up a close interpretation of what the composer wrote...minus the feelings....music without soul is not worth listening to...no matter how technically correct it is...

    the other reason is even a math major like me I can't seem to grasp the concept of rhythm..to play music you need rhythm...

    I am never going to be a good musician...I just like playing my flute just for the heck of it... I can play as loud as I like when I am frustrated...as sad as I like when I am down...and as fast as I like when I am happy...who cares about rhythm when your heart want to dance with joy..who cares about rhythm when your heart is bleeding...
    Last edited by dewdrops; 07-21-2011 at 05:10 AM.
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  6. #16
    Senior Member dewdrops's Avatar
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    fought with hubby over the dishwasher again this morning..was so annoyed at him..our dishwasher is conking out..it leaks..and since we are planning to move by end of year his reasoning was he can't see any point of getting a new one..I can wash by hand..that way it doesn't ruin the bench and cupboards...

    this morning told him..I wash every day..not including pots and pans that I wash during cooking I fill up the dishwasher..plus 2-3 racks as well..so I will continue to use it unless I get a new one..

    after that I thought..how silly am I? if I want to get a new one..I have his credit card..why not go get a new one?
    so I did..found a Blanco..$1300 sale price was $900...the salesman must have been keen to sell ..either that or my cleavage was to his liking...hehehe..wore a low cut top..with tight jeans and cfm (come f..me ) boots..

    I asked him sweetly if he could do any better than the sale price..thinking may be a free delivery chucked in..that's about $40-50 already..and $50 off or something..imagine my surprise when he told me he'll do it for $799 delivery included..heheheh

    so there goes ladies..a little cleavage goes a long long way.. and hint hint..do not take your husband along..hehehe
    Last edited by dewdrops; 07-21-2011 at 06:39 PM.
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  7. #17
    Senior Member dewdrops's Avatar
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    5th June 2007

    Melbourne's got a Melway with all the maps and places of interest...wouldn't it be nice to have a Lifeway???.. that shows all the routes you can take in life?? that will lead you to the destinations that you seek???.

    I was thinking about it yesterday...hubby must have one...must ask to look at his copy..he seems so confident so clear about his route..where he wants to be...how he is going to get there...
    where as with me it is more like a Lifemaze than a Lifeway...

    It's not like I have a clue of where I want to end up to get there in the first place..and even if I did have a clue...I can sort of see it over there...yet somehow I keep on bumping into no through roads....dead ends.. .

    Just a thought on a cold winter day...

    am I where I am suppose to be at this moment in life?? I can answer yes to that one...I kind of muddled my way but somehow ended up where I envisaged 20 years ago... married....

    Do I know where I want to be in 10 years time??? no.... do I know how to get there??? no since I don't know where that is...got ya...
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  8. #18
    Senior Member dewdrops's Avatar
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    Although yesterday was a nightmare of a day it was a day of giggles..since it was Friday I dressed up..high heel boots..fish nets..a sexy top and cardi...totally different to the usual garb...khaki pants..top, cardi and walking shoes..

    as soon as I got on the ward C commented..are you going back to Melbourne tonight? no wonder..

    mid-morning J one of the doctors rang down...I...hello pharmacy V speaking...ah...my little V..hi J...what iron preparation have you got down there..Ferrograd..Ferrograd C..iron and vit c...FGF... Fefol..iron and folic acid (folate) ..

    oh...Ferrograd C will do..could you please bring some up for Mr R..will do..I am about to go up to deliver a discharge so will pop some in for him... thank you...

    after lunch I walked up...C was at the desk...V how old are you?? K and I was wondering...I giggled...guess...C so how old are your children?? hehehee no cheating..not telling...
    early 30? ..nope ..up...mid 30s? ..nope...up...38? nope..I will be 39...jeez..would have never guessed...

    then next trip up they all gathered around me...K even touched my fish nets..they were teasing me bad..fish nets..tarty..wow...sexy...hot...ehehhe I giggled...A the NUM said..V don't mind them...they are just plain jealous...because they can't wear fish nets..I giggled again...N commented..well if I had giggles like that I would wear them too..

    mid-afternoon Mr B rang down...I have seen his scripts but have never met him...I answered hello pharmacy V speaking...he laughed...V...just received your script..do I really have to write it in my hand writing..? since it is already typed ?? told him yes..he must notate in his own handwriting as it is a drug of addiction script..he laughed again..I will have to practise my handwriting then...I giggled...okie...I will do it just for you V ...thank you..

    520pm Dr M saw me...first thing he said was...wow...my birthday and I get to see legs?? hehehe did you wear them especially for me? ..hehehe ...I giggled and walked away...he's naughty...he comes across as a naughty naughty boy who has never grown up...yesterday he turned 50..

    I love working here...I know they are still wondering why am I here??...but let them wonder..they know I am married..that's all they know...
    Last edited by dewdrops; 07-22-2011 at 07:26 AM.
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  9. #19
    Senior Member dewdrops's Avatar
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    Giggles 2

    apparently my giggles made others giggle...hehehee came out of Mrs W room to find two nurses giggling..they said every time they hear me giggle it makes them want to giggle...hehehe..I giggled some more and told them I am glad..

    then in the afternoon Dr M came to me to ask me where to write cease date? ..told him just write it there...he said but that's where I write my prescriber number...hehehe told him don't worry we can always write on top plus I think it is an authority item anyway..you need to write me a script..you think? ..now I know something you don't know...ehehhee one to the doctor and zero to the pharmacist..hehehe

    guess have to keep my Vy happy...hehehe ..well J has been good...he wrote me one this morning...you mean I am competing with J for your affection?...hehehee

    I'll do it downstairs in my room...I corrected him..PS will be back next week..it will make her happy...heheehe he is so very naughty...
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  10. #20
    Senior Member dewdrops's Avatar
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    The Aussie Spirit
    Got up late and was reading yesterday's paper...they had a special edition on cyclone Yasi...the photograph put a smile on my face...all around them the house lay flattened..yet they are sitting, standing there with a cold beer in hand and having a laugh..apparently the generator was still working thus the beer was icy cold..lol..

    guess what else can one do? but have a laugh about it?

    and learnt something new today..grammatically..lie and lay

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