Her Man
When she was a baby I would always play music to her for her to drift to sleep..her sleep routine was to wash her..read to her and put her cd on...and then I would leave her room...
at first it was a baby's lullaby cd..then one day I misplaced her cd..so grabbed a Harry Connick Jnr cd to play instead..
ever since it's always been that one cd..she wont change to another..
the other day hubby was at a meeting..and so I tucked her in...read her her Cinderelly book..said good night..cuddled kissed..and off I went..wasn't thinking and forgot about her cd... that night she woke up 4 times screaming..she went at 8pm..by 11pm I was exhausted as kept on running to her room to quieten her down..
on my last trip I couldn't soothe her ..she wouldn't stop crying....every time she cried I just wanted to bolt.. the alternative would have been to muffle her cries...feeling desperate I turned on her man cd...and left..
after that she didnt wake up till morning..no screams..the cd did its magic..don't know what I would do if that cd ever get scratched..it's been playing every night for the last few years..might have to stock up on his music..