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News That Sounds Like a Joke
A 114-pound tortoise, part of the Zambini Family Circus performing in Madison, Wis., in July, escaped. He actually made good time on his dash for freedom, covering two miles in six days before being spotted. [Journal Sentinel-AP, 7-18-09]
About 20 men were present for a Belgian body builders' championship in May when three anti-doping officials arrived unexpectedly and requested urine samples. Every single contestant abruptly grabbed his gear and fled, according to press reports, and the event was canceled. [The Times (London), 5-19-09; Mesomorphosis.com, 5-18-09]
Quí vị nào có những câu hỏi về từ ngữ hoặc văn phạm về bài báo trên đây thì cứ tự tiện hỏi sẽ có những "cây cao bóng mát" trả lời cho quí vị.