VDICT còn thiếu tính từ matching trong ngữ cảnh matching grant, matching fund.
VDICT còn thiếu tính từ matching trong ngữ cảnh matching grant, matching fund.
Nhất tự vi sư , bán tự vi sư
1st Version:
Anyone who teaches me one word - even half a word - is still my teacher.
2nd Version:
Even he who teaches me the smallest bit can still be called my teacher
Please correct my grammar as you see fit. Much appreciated!
In American politics the term matching funds refers to the money a presidential candidate is given by federal government to match the money they have raised personally. Candidates can expect up to US$250 extra from public funds for each contribution from an individual they receive.
This usually only applies to the two main parties; as for third party candidates gaining the benefits of matching funds they must additionally have received 5% of the popular vote in the previous election. Hence the anomaly of Ross Perot standing as Reform Party candidate in 1992 and receiving 18% of the vote, yet receiving no matching funds because the Reform Party did not receive 5% of the vote in 1988; whilst Pat Buchanan, running as the Reform Party candidate in 2000, did receive matching funds despite winning only 0.4% of the vote.
The source of the funds comes from a $3 voluntary checkoff on the U.S. Income Tax form
I beg to differ.
source: http://www.historycentral.com/Civics/M.htmlMatching grants - funding strategy in which the donor, whether the government or a private agency, requires the recipient to provide a given percent of the money needed to implement to program.
source: http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/grantMatching Grants provide matching funds for international service projects of Rotary clubs and districts. Since 1965, almost 20,000 Matching Grants projects in 166 countries have been funded at a cost of more than US$198 million. 1965 (MCMLXV) was a common year starting on Friday (link goes to calendar). ...
trong truwowngf hợp này ta gọi là viện trợ đối ứng, quỹ đối ứng
Nhất tự vi sư , bán tự vi sư
1st Version:
Anyone who teaches me one word - even half a word - is still my teacher.
2nd Version:
Even he who teaches me the smallest bit can still be called my teacher
Please correct my grammar as you see fit. Much appreciated!
Hợp chất hữu cơ thì lúc nào cũng có hydro carbon hết. Chất đạm cũng là một loại hữu cơ. Carbohydrate là một dạng "đường" dùng làm nhiên liệu cho bắp thịt.
Bác đi bộ chừng chục cây số mà không ăn đủ carbohydrate là đói lả người liền, vì lượng đường trong máu xuống quá thấp. Bác có ăn nguyên con gà cũng không đã đói vì cơ thể cần chất đường chứ không phải chất đạm trong lúc này.
Isn't it simply called "đơn chất đường" or "hổn hợp đường"You've probably seen ads for low-carb foods and diets, but kids and adults need carbohydrates (say: kar-bo-hi-draytz). Most foods contain carbohydrates, which the body breaks down into simple sugars — the major source of energy for the body.
Two Types of Carbohydrates
There are two major types of carbohydrates in foods: simple and complex.
Simple carbohydrates: These are also called simple sugars. Simple sugars are found in refined sugars, like the white sugar you'd find in a sugar bowl. If you have a lollipop, you're eating simple carbohydrates. But you'll also find simple sugars in more nutritious foods, such as fruit and milk. It's better to get your simple sugars from food like fruit and milk. Why? Because they contain vitamins, fiber, and important nutrients like calcium. A lollipop does not.
Complex carbohydrates: These are also called starches. Starches include grain products, such as bread, crackers, pasta, and rice. As with simple sugars, some complex carbohydrate foods are better choices than others. Refined (say: ree-find) grains, such as white flour and white rice, have been processed, which removes nutrients and fiber. But unrefined grains still contain these vitamins and minerals. Unrefined grains also are rich in fiber, which helps your digestive system work well. Fiber helps you feel full, so you are less likely to overeat these foods. That explains why a bowl of oatmeal fills you up better than sugary candy that has the same amount of calories as the oatmeal.
Last edited by LtDra; 07-18-2009 at 03:54 AM.
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Nhất tự vi sư , bán tự vi sư
1st Version:
Anyone who teaches me one word - even half a word - is still my teacher.
2nd Version:
Even he who teaches me the smallest bit can still be called my teacher
Please correct my grammar as you see fit. Much appreciated!