First of all, thanks for creating this site, which is a much needed resource.

However, I must say that, as a regular and frequent user, I find it very frustrating when translating from English to Vietnamese.

The problem is that the translation results are often several possible definitions, often times more than five or six, and it's nearly impossible to guess which one is the correct word to use.

Take for example this translation for "crazy":

tính từ

* quá say mê
o to be crazy about sports
quá say mê thể thao

* mất trí, điên dại

* xộc xệch, khập khiễng, ọp ẹp (nhà cửa, đồ đạc, tàu bè...)

* ốm yếu, yếu đuối

* làm bằng những miếng không đều (lối đi, sàn nhà, mền bông...)
o a crazy pavement
lối đi lát bằng những viên gạch không đều

Here we have several Vietnamese words, but after reading the entire entry, I have no idea which word I should use. This is a problem with almost every entry on this site. In other words, as a native English speaker, I can use the site for Viet>Eng translation, however the Eng>Viet translation function is entirely useless.

Could some effort be made to provide actual translations for the Eng>Viet entries? Obviously it would require a lot of time and work, however there seem to be several people using this site. So hopefully people would be willing to help out and donate their time.

I applaud your efforts, but I'd like to see this site become 100% functional, rather than only 50% functional.
