I need to train personnel to document manufacturing production errors that occur. The data from this form is collected to prevent future errors/defects so the company can improve their product quality or process quality or determine training needs for all personnel or specific individuals. It is not for individual performance evaluations. Others need to know how to complete the full report. I have individuals that speak both English & Vietnamese that will provide training to others that are predominately Vietnamese speaking. These individuals are more comfortable reading in Vietnamese and then translating to their English interpretation. So, one more time, I ask for your assistance in translating into Vietnamese.

Corrective Action Report
Requested by:
Describe Problem:

Outline for Answering Corrective Actions:
Root Cause:
Answer these questions:
  1. What caused this problem?
  2. Why did this happen?
  3. When did this occur?
  4. What was occurring?
  5. Who or what function/or production area was responsible for the defect or error?
  6. Where did the problem originate (start)?

Action Taken:
  1. What is the immediate remedy?
  2. How was the problem resolved?
  3. What is the long term solution will control the process to prevent the same problem in the future or to clarify for others so as to not occur in the future?

Thanks again!