Originally Posted by
"Em nho anh nhieu lam em khong biet noi sao cho anh hieu duoc long em em uoc mo sao em lam duoc that nhieu tien em se ve viet nam em hoc tieng va em se qua (em noi chuyen voi anh cho and hieu duoc em em yeu and that long"
"em muon song voi a suot doi"
"papy birth day em khong biet noi nhung ma em biet yeu em hy vong and se hieu tam tinh cua em"
"Chuc ngu ngon, mo giac mo dep" this I guess is " good night, have a sweet drame" It right?
"Em nho and nhieu lam em khong co tien de ma dong batbo nua lay gi ma tang and em chi biet chuc anh sinh nhat vui ve ma thoi va nhung gi tot dep nhat se den voi anh em yeu anh nhien lam"
Please help me to translate this Vietnamese to English. This is SMS message from mobile phone. I alway try to learn Vientnamese to communicate with my friend. I found the phone message very hard to understand.