Chua den tet, sap den roi, em chuc ba me phuoc nhu dong hai, tho ti nam son. rieng gia dinh vui ve thuan hoa dam am con anh mai mai la nguoi yeu ly tuong cua em. sao cung chuc anh tuoi tre, khoe mai, va huong den tren buoc duong su nghiep ok.
Chua den tet, sap den roi, em chuc ba me phuoc nhu dong hai, tho ti nam son. rieng gia dinh vui ve thuan hoa dam am con anh mai mai la nguoi yeu ly tuong cua em. sao cung chuc anh tuoi tre, khoe mai, va huong den tren buoc duong su nghiep ok.
Not yet new year, almost. I wish [your] parents have as big fortune as the east sea and as high longetivity as the south mountain. especially your joyful, agreeable and warmth family; and you forever will be my ideal lover. Lastly, wishing you youthful, always healthy, and have a successful career.
Nam Quốc Sơn Hà, Nam Đế Cư
Thank you, The Interpreter,
Toi chuc ba me cua Interpreter phuoc nhu dong hai, tho ti nam son.
新年快乐 Happy New Year. The Interpreter.