can some 1 please help to translate the following to vietnames. Thks in advance.

Hi my love, i am writting to let you know my dissappoint in you. I have been sick since you left home. Though i won't know whats is your difficulty for not able to call but I really hope you could show some concern. Love comes from the heart and not from words. Both you and i have difficulties in our relationship that no one would understand but while you are here, I have tried to give you all that as a husband can give. Whenever you leave home, you always have excuses or your reasons for doing things. How difficult isit to make a call or how difficult isit to buy a phone card over there.

Maybe you want to think over this........How long can a relationship or love last if its build on deceit and lies? Love and relationship even friendship, is like clapping of both hands. I can't clap the hands on my own and neither can I keep giving and not receiving. You might have difficulties that you can't share with me or don't want me to know, all i am asking is for you to show more concern for me and be true to me. To love comes from the heart not from sweet words, any one can lie through words but not their actions and body language especialy to spme one that trully loves them.

Fate let us meet and have feelings for each other. Now i let fate decide whether we will still able to meet again.

love always