We can confirm you are covered under Classic Visitors Cover. Under your level of cover, you can claim 100% of the Government Schedule Fee for visiting a doctor in private practice. Benefits will be determined by the medical item numbers listed on the account.

All new members are required to serve a 12 month waiting period for pre-existing ailments, illnesses or conditions. A pre-existing ailment is an ailment, illness or injury that you had signs or symptoms of at any time during the six months before taking out cover (including if you have upgraded), even if you had not consulted a doctor about it or were not aware of it at the time.

Waiting Periods form part of our Fund Rules and apply to all of our members upon joining the fund or after a cover upgrade. They are employed for the protection of our membership base, enabling us to maintain premiums at a sustainable level. Our benefits and contribution rates are very carefully costed on the basis of our claims experience and our estimates of future claiming trends, both of which are affected by the application of standard Waiting Periods.