Hi Everyone,

My Name is Hung Ha & I have just invented an amazing novel English Meaning against Vietnamese Meaning Dictionary. I called it BraveKing Dictionary for memorizing the well-known Vietnamese King who set up Vietnam in 2880 BC. Guess who? Vietnamese calls him Vua Hùng. King means Vua, Brave means Hùng. Therefore, Brave King means Vua Hùng.

Please enter BraveKing.com & help us to create amazing unique “English Meaning against Vietnamese MeaningDictionary that no one has ever done before.

You can contribute & share your English Vocabulary experience to other people.

BraveKing.com is a perfect place that help you to learn effectively English & Vietnamese Vocabulary.

Let me explain a bit this website to you:

BraveKing.com is a website that contains online BraveKing Dictionary. BraveKing Dictionary is very unique because it allows you to freely create relationships between English meanings and equivalent Vietnamese meanings. You can also add a new word or a new meaning into the BraveKing Dictionary Database. For example, someone has already created the relationship between the meaning of “take personally” and “để bụng” in the dictionary as following:
Please enter this link.

You can see, it’s very interesting and like a game. So, please enter BraveKing.com & enjoy yourself.


Hung Ha