Please someone translate this statement into Vietnamese.
Thank you very much
• Fosters a strong student voice and community involvement
Please someone translate this statement into Vietnamese.
Thank you very much
• Fosters a strong student voice and community involvement
Khuyến khích/ủng hộ tiếng nói mạnh mẽ và những gì liên quan đến cộng đồng của sinh viên.
Hi Fija,
Thank you very much for your help. And could you please help me again to translate the following statement. I understand very well in English, but get a hard time to translate into Vietnamese; specially the word, ACADEME, I have checked with so many dictionaries (Anh-Viet), but I couldn't "apply" it ... or not satisfy!
Offers enriched academics and excellent preparation for high school.
Thank you again.
academe (àk´e-dêm´) noun
1. a. The academic environment, community, or world. b. Academic life.
2. A place in which instruction is given to students.
3. A scholar, especially a pedant.
The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Third Edition copyright © 1992 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Electronic version licensed from INSO Corporation; further reproduction and distribution restricted in accordance with the Copyright Law of the United States. All rights reserved.
academic (àk´e-dèm´îk) adjective
Abbr. acad.
1. Of, relating to, or characteristic of a school, especially one of higher learning.
2. a. Relating to studies that are liberal or classical rather than technical or vocational. b. Relating to scholarly performance: a student's academic average.
3. Relating or belonging to a scholarly organization.
4. Scholarly to the point of being unaware of the outside world. See synonyms at pedantic.
5. Based on formal education.
6. Formalistic or conventional.
7. Theoretical or speculative without a practical purpose or intention. See synonyms at theoretical.
8. Having no practical purpose or use.
1. One who is a member of an institution of higher learning.
2. A person who has an academic viewpoint or a scholarly background.
Thank you, but could you please translate into Vietnamese:
- Offers enriched academics and excellent preparation for high school.
Những đề nghị làm phong phú học viên học viện và sự chuẩn bị xuất sắc đối với trung học.
Last edited by Paddy; 01-11-2010 at 06:37 AM.
Hi Fija and Paddy,
Thank you both of you. My writing is very bad in both English and Vietnamese. English is 'ba roi' ma Vietnamese thi 'ba 'chi'. Anyway in this statement, English is so clear to me, but when translate into Vietnamese I can't make it simple and smoothly!.
Actually it means the school provides/teaching very good programs or/& excellent techniques to help "special students' which are not very good in academic (vn minh goi la kem/kem thong minh ?!?; in here it means, if any student is not good in academic will get a hard time or can't be able to go to college or University- it is very tough for them!) in this case, truong nay la ALTERNATIVE SCHOOL tuc la day cho may vi hoc sinh kem hay bi tro ngai va co van de ve viec hoc; va may truong binh thuong o ngoai khong theo duoc, hoac khong muon hoc o cac truong do, nen muon doi qua day. Va day la truong dac biet hon nhung truong kia vi co nhieu chuong trinh va cach day khac thich hop cho may qui vi hoc sinh 'dac biet' nay.
Excellent preparation for high school. = tuc la ho co mot chuong trinh giang day xuat sac day cho cac em de chuan bi len high Shool (ma khong bi 'lo^i/choang vang hay khong bi bo ngo, or khong theo kip...)
Nhan tien day nho qui vi dich gium 2 chu ALTERNATIVE SCHOOL nay luon. Toi dich la truong HOAN CHUYEN, TRUONG THAY DOI, TRUONG KHAC, TRUONG THAY THE. Khong xuoi tai ti nao ca!. Vay nho qui vi gop y kien va dich gium cho xuoi tai.
Thanh that cam on