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Eng-->Viet Translation Help Please...
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Thread: Eng-->Viet Translation Help Please...

  1. #1

    Default Eng-->Viet Translation Help Please...

    Can someone please help me translate the following message to Vietnamese?? THANKS!!!

    Hi Sweetheart!

    It was nice talking to you the other night. Remember when we were talking about what I had for dinner?? Well, I didn't have "tiet canh", what I was trying to say was that I ate "banh piza"! Oh, and I forgot to tell you that I ate breakfast the other day...it was weird, but kind of nice b/c I had more energy throughout the day. On other food notes, (lol) I ate a banh bao the other day...I haven't had one of those in forever and a year! But yes, I will have to try the "banh tet" that you asked me about. I am going home to TEXAS the weekend of Tet, so I will ask my mom and/or aunt about it. I probably have had it before, I just don't know it by name.

    So the telephone company number did change my phone number...my new number is now XXX-XXX-XXXX. I have unlimited international calling to Vietnam, so if you want to call me, just call from your house phone & I will call you back within a few minutes--like last night. So what did you end up doing yesterday after we talked? You need to get out more--maybe you should call up Benjamin for coffee...or your two friends that we met up at that restaurant/cafe...or you should go hang out with Chi Van & Cong!!

    So how is your family?? I hope that they are all doing well! Are they excited about Tet? Tell them I said hello...and give your little cousin, a kiss for me--he's such a cutie!! Ask if he still remembers me!! I bet he does--if not, remind him that I'm the one that gave him the candy at your house!!

    So Valentine's Day is coming. I'm kind of sad that we won't be celebrating Valentines together as a couple...but am happy that I can still share it with you. We will definately have to make up for it when we see each other next time. In America, we would most likely go out for a romantic dinner, you would buy me candy and flowers (and maybe jewelry...lol), and then go do something fun like watching a movie, dancing, or just anything fun really! That's just how we celebrate it here though...so no pressure to make it up to me the next time you see me or anything...lol...just joking!

    For some weird reason, I always find myself writing you extremely long emails...it doesn't seem long when I write it, but when I read back over it to translate, I feel like I'm writing a book! I guess my emails to you make up for us not being able to be together physically--since we talk on the phone every day...lol. I can not wait until we can finally see each other again--I hope that it will be sooner rather than later because I really miss you alot!! My days go by slowly with thoughts of you...

    Hugs & Kisses to the one I love most...
    Last edited by lindal24; 02-04-2008 at 11:35 PM.

  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    Default Try it first.

    Why don't you try to write in Vietnamese first and then we'll correct, improve it for you. That way, by the time you meet your friend again, you will please him with your ability to read/write Vietnamese.

  3. #3
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    Default Do not step on rotten planks


    I think that your boy friend should start writing to you in English instead of you doing in Vietnamese. That is "one stone kills 02 birds". Do you like to see him in the USA? (speaking Vietnamese?)

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by Paddy View Post
    Why don't you try to write in Vietnamese first and then we'll correct, improve it for you. That way, by the time you meet your friend again, you will please him with your ability to read/write Vietnamese.

    Here goes...

    Can someone please help me translate the following message to Vietnamese?? THANKS!!!

    Chao anh yeu!
    Hi Sweetheart!

    Toi ngay khi noi vay anh em rat vui. Anh co nho anh hoi em an gi ban dem khong?? Em muon noi anh em dau co an "tiet canh" ma em muon noi "banh piza"! Em cung quen noi anh em cung an sang ngay do nhung...hoi ki cuc, ma em cung thich tay an bua sang em thay em co tiem tang ca ngay. Con noi day do an, (lol) em an "ban bao" nay kia...em chu an cai do hon mai mai va mot nam! Ma dung roi, em phai dung thu cai "banh tet" anh hoi em. Tuan tet, em di ve hoi me thay mo banh do la ban gi. Em suy nghi em co an roi, ma khong biet tien toi.
    It was nice talking to you the other night. Remember when we were talking about what I had for dinner?? Well, I didn't have "tiet canh", what I was trying to say was that I ate "banh piza"! Oh, and I forgot to tell you that I ate breakfast the other day...it was weird, but kind of nice b/c I had more energy throughout the day. On other food notes, (lol) I ate a banh bao the other day...I haven't had one of those in forever and a year! But yes, I will have to try the "banh tet" that you asked me about. I am going home to TEXAS the weekend of Tet, so I will ask my mom and/or aunt about it. I probably have had it before, I just don't know it by name.

    Hang dien thoai tay so dien thoai cua em...so moi cua em la XXX-XXX-XXXX. Em goi ve vietnam khong co gioi han, bay gio anh muon goi em de noi trien tay cai gi, anh dung dien thoai nha goi cua, em se goi anh lai nhu toi ngay kia. Khi nao chung toi song noi anh co di lam cai gi khong? Anh can di ra ngoai nua--anh goi Benjamin ra de uong cafe di...thay di goi hai ban ma chung tai di gap o ngoai quan...thay an di choi vay Chi Van va Cong di!!
    So the telephone company number did change my phone number...my new number is now XXX-XXX-XXXX. I have unlimited international calling to Vietnam, so if you want to call me, just call from your house phone & I will call you back within a few minutes--like last night. So what did you end up doing yesterday after we talked? You need to get out more--maybe you should call up Benjamin for coffee...or your two friends that we met up at that restaurant/cafe...or you should go hang out with Chi Van & Cong!!

    Gia dinh anh ti sao? Em hy vong gia dinh cua anh ti khoe! Anh co bi kich dong tet gan toi khong? Noi gia dinh anh em chao moi nguoi nha...va hon em ho cua anh cho em nha--Vinh qua yea thuong!! Hoi Vinh co nho em chong nha!! Em ca an no nho em--loc ma khong, nhac nho Vinh em la nguoi ma tang keo o nha anh nha!!
    So how is your family?? I hope that they are all doing well! Are they excited about Tet? Tell them I said hello...and give your little cousin, a kiss for me--he's such a cutie!! Ask if he still remembers me!! I bet he does--if not, remind him that I'm the one that gave him the candy at your house!!

    Ngay Le Tinh Yeu gan toi roi. Em hoi buon anh va em khong ky niem ngay le tinh yeu chung nau duoc...may em rat vui em co von chung ngay nay vay anh duoc. Chung toi nhat dinh phai lam cai gi lan sau cho ngay nai. O bien my, chung ta se di gia nha hang an, anh se thang em keo tay bong hoa (tay do chau bau...lol) luc do ming se di rinh mot phim cine, thay di nhay dam, thay di choi vui thoi. May cai do ming tay lam o bien my toi...anh dau co can su nhac lai tay kai gi dau...lol...noi choi toi!
    So Valentine's Day is coming. I'm kind of sad that we won't be celebrating Valentines together as a couple...but am happy that I can still share it with you. We will definately have to make up for it when we see each other next time. In America, we would most likely go out for a romantic dinner, you would buy me candy and flowers (and maybe jewelry...lol), and then go do something fun like watching a movie, dancing, or just anything fun really! That's just how we celebrate it here though...so no pressure to make it up to me the next time you see me or anything...lol...just joking!

    Cung vi le ay ki cuc, Em tay em viet email hoi dai...loc em suy nghi viet cai gi trong tieng anh, khong gai, ma loc em doc lai de dich qua tro anh, em xuc giac em viet anh cai sac! Ma em viet nhieu thay em khong tay anh duoc--ma ming noi chuyen het mot ngay...lol. Em khong co doi loc ki ming tay mot ming lai tiep--em hy vong ming gap nhau mau hon tre thay em nho an nhieu lam! Ngay cua em gia thay em su suy nghi anh ca ngay...
    For some weird reason, I always find myself writing you extremely long emails...it doesn't seem long when I write it, but when I read back over it to translate, I feel like I'm writing a book! I guess my emails to you make up for us not being able to be together physically--since we talk on the phone every day...lol. I can not wait until we can finally see each other again--I hope that it will be sooner rather than later because I really miss you alot!! My days go by slowly with thoughts of you...

    Om & Hon ngoui em yeu nhat...
    Hugs & Kisses to the one I love most...

    Quote Originally Posted by MANH NGUYEN View Post

    I think that your boy friend should start writing to you in English instead of you doing in Vietnamese. That is "one stone kills 02 birds". Do you like to see him in the USA? (speaking Vietnamese?)
    We're both trying to do the whole two for one...his english is not that great, and my vietnamese writing/reading skills are VERY remedial... :P
    Last edited by lindal24; 02-04-2008 at 09:00 PM.

  5. #5
    Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by lindal24 View Post
    Here goes...

    Can someone please help me translate the following message to Vietnamese?? THANKS!!!

    Chao anh yeu!
    Hi Sweetheart!

    Toi ngay khi noi vay anh em rat vui. Anh co nho anh hoi em an gi ban dem khong?? Em muon noi anh em dau co an "tiet canh" ma em muon noi "banh piza"! Em cung quen noi anh em cung an sang ngay do nhung...hoi ki cuc, ma em cung thich tay an bua sang em thay em co tiem tang: potential energy ca ngay. Con noi day do an, (lol) em an "ban bao" nay kia...em chu an cai do hon mai mai va mot nam! Ma dung roi, em phai dung thu cai "banh tet" anh hoi em. Tuan tet, em di ve hoi me thay mo banh do la ban gi. Em suy nghi em co an roi, ma khong biet tien toi.

    Em rất vui khi nói chuyện với anh tối trước. Anh nhớ là mình đang nói là em ăn món gì cho bữa tối không ?? À, em đâu có ăn tiết canh, ý em muốn nói là em đã ăn bánh pizza! Ồ, và em quên không nói là em ăn sáng món gì bữa trươ'c...nó hơi lạ, nhưng [nó] làm cho em có đủ năng lượng cho cả ngày. Về mấy món khác, (lol) em ăn một cái bánh bao hôm trước...lâu lắm rồi em mới ăn nó! Nhưng có, em sẽ thử bánh tét mà anh đã hỏi em. Em sẽ đi về nhà bên Texas cuối tuần tết này, rồi em sẽ hỏi mẹ hoặc dì về bánh tét. Chắc em có ăn rồi, nhưng không biết nó kêu là gì thôi.
    It was nice talking to you the other night. Remember when we were talking about what I had for dinner?? Well, I didn't have "tiet canh", what I was trying to say was that I ate "banh piza"! Oh, and I forgot to tell you that I ate breakfast the other day...it was weird, but kind of nice b/c I had more energy throughout the day. On other food notes, (lol) I ate a banh bao the other day...I haven't had one of those in forever and a year! But yes, I will have to try the "banh tet" that you asked me about. I am going home to TEXAS the weekend of Tet, so I will ask my mom and/or aunt about it. I probably have had it before, I just don't know it by name.

    Hang dien thoai tay so dien thoai cua em...so moi cua em la XXX-XXX-XXXX. Em goi ve vietnam khong co gioi han, bay gio anh muon goi em de noi trien tay cai gi, anh dung dien thoai nha goi cua, em se goi anh lai nhu toi ngay kia. Khi nao chung toi song noi anh co di lam cai gi khong? Anh can di ra ngoai nua--anh goi Benjamin ra de uong cafe di...thay di goi hai ban ma chung tai di gap o ngoai quan...thay an di choi vay Chi Van va Cong di!!

    Vậy là hãng điện thoại đã đổi số phone của em...số mới của em là XXX-XXX-XXXX. Em gọi về VN không giới hạn, nếu anh muốn kêu em, chỉ cần kêu từ sô' nhà anh và em sẽ kêu anh lại sau vài phút -- như tối hôm qua. Vậy thì tối qua anh làm gì sau khi mình nói chuyện? Anh cần phải ra ngoài nhiều hơn -- chắc anh nên rủ Benjamin đi uống cà phê...hoặc 2 người bạn mà mình gặp ở nhà hàng/cà phê.. hoặc đi chơi với Chi Van và Công!!
    So the telephone company number did change my phone number...my new number is now XXX-XXX-XXXX. I have unlimited international calling to Vietnam, so if you want to call me, just call from your house phone & I will call you back within a few minutes--like last night. So what did you end up doing yesterday after we talked? You need to get out more--maybe you should call up Benjamin for coffee...or your two friends that we met up at that restaurant/cafe...or you should go hang out with Chi Van & Cong!!

    Gia dinh anh ti sao? Em hy vong gia dinh cua anh ti khoe! Anh co bi kich dong tet gan toi khong? Noi gia dinh anh em chao moi nguoi nha...va hon em ho cua anh cho em nha--Vinh qua yea thuong!! Hoi Vinh co nho em chong nha!! Em ca an no nho em--loc ma khong, nhac nho Vinh em la nguoi ma tang keo o nha anh nha!!
    Gia đình anh thì sao ? Em hy vọng mọi người đều khỏe! Anh có vui mừng khi tết đến không ? Nói là em gởi lời chào mọi người...và mi em họ của anh cho em một cái---Vinh qúa dễ thương!! Hỏi coi Vinh còn nhớ em không nhé!! Em cá là Vinh còn nhớ em -- nếu không, nhắc Vinh em là người tặng kẹo cho nhà anh nha !!
    So how is your family?? I hope that they are all doing well! Are they excited about Tet? Tell them I said hello...and give your little cousin, a kiss for me--he's such a cutie!! Ask if he still remembers me!! I bet he does--if not, remind him that I'm the one that gave him the candy at your house!!

    Ngay Le Tinh Yeu gan toi roi. Em hoi buon anh va em khong ky niem ngay le tinh yeu chung nau duoc...may em rat vui em co von chung ngay nay vay anh duoc. Chung toi nhat dinh phai lam cai gi lan sau cho ngay nai. O bien my, chung ta se di gia nha hang an, anh se thang em keo tay bong hoa (tay do chau bau...lol) luc do ming se di rinh mot phim cine, thay di nhay dam, thay di choi vui thoi. May cai do ming tay lam o bien my toi...anh dau co can su nhac lai tay kai gi dau...lol...noi choi toi!

    Ngày lễ Valentine sắp tới rồi. Em hơi buồn vì mình sẽ không gần nhau trong ngày lễ này được...nhưng em vui vì em vẫn có thể chung ngày này với anh qua lá thư này . Chúng ta nhất định phải bù cho lễ này khi gặp nhau lần tới. Ở Mỹ, chúng mình sẽ đi ra nhà hàng ăn một bữa rồ man rợ, anh sẽ tặng cho em kẹo và hoa (có thể là nữ trang nữa...lol), và rồi mình sẽ đi xi-nê, nhẩy đầm, hoặc dạo phố thôi! Ðó là ở Mỹ thôi....anh không cần phải đền bù lại khi mình gặp nhau lần tơ'i...lol...em giỡn thôi!

    So Valentine's Day is coming. I'm kind of sad that we won't be celebrating Valentines together as a couple...but am happy that I can still share it with you [via this email]. We will definately have to make up for it when we see each other next time. In America, we would most likely go out for a romantic dinner, you would buy me candy and flowers (and maybe jewelry...lol), and then go do something fun like watching a movie, dancing, or just anything fun really! That's just how we celebrate it here though...so no pressure to make it up to me the next time you see me or anything...lol...just joking!

    Cung vi le ay ki cuc, Em tay em viet email hoi dai...loc em suy nghi viet cai gi trong tieng anh, khong gai, ma loc em doc lai de dich qua tro anh, em xuc giac em viet anh cai sac! Ma em viet nhieu thay em khong tay anh duoc--ma ming noi chuyen het mot ngay...lol. Em khong co doi loc ki ming tay mot ming lai tiep--em hy vong ming gap nhau mau hon tre thay em nho an nhieu lam! Ngay cua em gia thay em su suy nghi anh ca ngay...
    Vì lý do kỳ cục nào đó, em thấy em hay viết thơ cho anh qúa dài...với em thì không thấy dài lúc viết, nhưng khi đọc lại để dịch qua cho anh, em cảm thấy như em đang viết một cuốn sách! Em cho rằng emails cho anh để bù lại cho chuyện chúng mình không ở cạnh nhau được -- dù rằng ngày nào mình cũng nói trên điện thoại...lol. I không thể đợi được tới lúc mình gặp lại -- I mong rằng ngày đó sẽ gần hơn vì em nhớ anh nhiều lắm!!! Ngày của em trôi qua một cách chậm chạp với những ý nghĩ về anh.
    For some weird reason, I always find myself writing you extremely long emails...it doesn't seem long when I write it, but when I read back over it to translate, I feel like I'm writing a book! I guess my emails to you make up for us not being able to be together physically--since we talk on the phone every day...lol. I can not wait until we can finally see each other again--I hope that it will be sooner rather than later because I really miss you alot!! My days go by slowly with thoughts of you...

    Om & Hon ngoui em yeu nhat...
    Hugs & Kisses to the one I love most...

    We're both trying to do the whole two for one...his english is not that great, and my vietnamese writing/reading skills are VERY remedial... :P
    See, if there's a will, there's a way.

    My translation is in red. It was based mostly on your English and small part on your VN translation. Darn, you two would better get a video phone or join a frequent-flyer program. BTY, what happens to all the breakfast in bed and cuddling stuff ?

    If you two decide to tie the knot, VDICT forum deserves the head of the roasted pig on your wedding day.

    Rồ man rợ : romantic but we play with words mantic and use man rợ means wild, wildly. Fairly popular in USA and Australia.
    Last edited by Paddy; 02-05-2008 at 07:07 AM.

  6. #6
    Senior Member dethuong_x0x's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Paddy View Post
    See, if there's a will, there's a way.

    If you two decide to tie the knot, VDICT forum deserves the head of the roasted pig on your wedding day.
    Rồ man rợ : romantic but we play with words mantic and use man rợ means wild, wildly. Fairly popular in USA and Australia.
    That's a good idea
    Nhất tự vi sư , bán tự vi sư
    1st Version:
    Anyone who teaches me one word - even half a word - is still my teacher.
    2nd Version:
    Even he who teaches me the smallest bit can still be called my teacher

    Please correct my grammar as you see fit. Much appreciated!

  7. #7
    Senior Member LtDra's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lindal24 View Post
    Here goes...

    For some weird reason, I always find myself writing you extremely long emails...it doesn't seem long when I write it, but when I read back over it to translate, I feel like I'm writing a book! I guess my emails to you make up for us not being able to be together physically--since we talk on the phone every day...lol. I can not wait until we can finally see each other again--I hope that it will be sooner rather than later because I really miss you alot!! My days go by slowly with thoughts of you...
    You see, even we are "not bad at Vietnamese at all" but It took us sometime to get it translated. I think the easier way for both of you is you send him the English one and he will do the Viet-translation and you'll do the Eng-translation on his Vietnamese letters has sent to you. (let's see who love who more-just a little game )
    Thất bại lớn nhất của đời người là tự đại
    Đáng thương nhất của đời người là tự ti.
    Tự đại + Tự ti = thất bại đáng thương nhất

  8. #8
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    "lol" có nghĩa gì ?
    Sẵn đây cho em hỏi "m8s" là viết gọn của từ gì thế. ( em thấy mọi người hay viết là "m8s call me ...")


  9. #9
    Senior Member unnamed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lebaotram1_5 View Post
    "lol" có nghĩa gì ?
    Sẵn đây cho em hỏi "m8s" là viết gọn của từ gì thế. ( em thấy mọi người hay viết là "m8s call me ...")

    lol: Laugh Out Loud
    M8s: Mates

    Xem link sau nhé

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