How has my writing changed over the semester?
Many different students are attending ESL classes with varying priorities, however; one priority seems to be the same: to gain English language skills, speaking, reading and writing.
Eight weeks ago when I began ESL 21 A class, I was self concincence about my poor writing skills, but after few week taking this class and following instructions given by my instructor I can see my improvement. Journals #1, and Journal #2, are only two examples of my work during this semester when I can show my progress in writing.
Paraphrasing, Quoting, and using resources are the most important skills (beside the grammar), which I have learned during this time.
As I mention I learned much more in this class, for example; how to write topic sentence or how to use properly verbs. All of the new lessons I can apply easily to every my work .I think that excellent example is my first essay in class about poverty (in this assignment I miss the topic sentence) and my second essay I wrote during the office hours about Anthropology (this one have precise topic sentence).
In this assignment, I would like to show the differences between my two Journals.
Journal # 1 was assigned in the second week in my class, all of us were writing about Urban Legend according to the article How Urban Legend Work by Tom Harris.
Journal is kind of free writing and for the beginning, this writing assignment seems to be easy .After all it wasn’t that easy. According to comments giving me by professor J.Plotner, my work was disorganizing. I strongly agree with this comment. The journal was a little disorganize without good supporting examples from the right resources.
In other hand three weeks later, I was writing journal # 2 about Grameen Bank.
This time my work was much more organized, I add examples and name of sources from I was paraphrasing and quoting.
In conclusion, I can just say then I learned a lot in this class. As I say in the beginning, paraphrasing and quoting are important in my future science classes. I exactly know how much I have to learn to be good in academicals writing, but I am sure then the next English classes help me develop my skills.
I know this paragraph is not perfect, but that is my reflection about this class