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Dear Ms. Caronton67,
2) The fledgling English participation in the transatlantic slave trade to come to a screeching halt in the late 1560’s: Sự tham dư một cách non nớt của Anh trong việc buôn nô lệ xuyên vùng Atlantic đã đột ngột dừng hẳn vào
I have no glue how you translated fledgling (or fledging, present participle of..uesd as an adj.) into Vietnamse "mot cach non not, an adverb" or NON NOT, adj. These meanings amazed me.
fledge (flĕj)
v. fledged, fledg·ing, fledg·es
v. tr.
1. To take care of (a young bird) until it is ready to fly.
2. To cover with or as if with feathers.
3. To provide (an arrow) with feathers.
v. intr.
To grow the plumage necessary for flight."
Please, explain so we, members can understand you.
Thanks a lot for your time and effort even it is effortless to you.