The person whom i most admire

I came to know who to listen to, who to respect, who to rely on, who to trust, who
to ask for help. My mother is the person I most admire in my life. She inspire me in every different ways. She always there to help me when I need her, when I’m feeling down she always cheer me up, when my father and my aunt scream at me, when I couldn’t take it anymore she always the one there to help me calm because I remember it happens a few times when it come to me that I couldn’t take it anymore so I decided to leave the house but she cried so much and advice me to stay back in the house because she need me. She fix everything that goes wrong in the house just for me to be happy. I’m a lazy daughter I never like to do anything at home my mother always cook for me, she does everything in the house, she always keep the house neat. She never ask me to do anything but I do help her sometime because she thinks for me, she never want me to be tired, she always told me to go school and home that’s all she need from me. She is a great mother, a sweetest mother, a caring one. She always let me out with my friend even when it gets dark, she never want to see me bored at home even though she cares for me once I step out of the house she not there with me when I’m outside and she don’t know what is going to happen to me, but she always want me to be safe and be good. I just love her with all my heart and promise to myself that I will do my best to take care and pay back everything I owed her but I don’t think I could ever pay back everything I owed her because she raised me up and gives me everything she have and protect me each and everyday until now I’ve grown and become a big girl. All I can do is to keep her around me and be there with her in every moment of life.

mi`nh lam chi duoc nhieu doa' thoi nhung mi`nh ko bie't lam sao de xai big word het coa' ai chi dum mi`nh nhung chu kha'c ko? sua dum mi`nh nha