game ma tao cung dau co care
may` care cai test lam gi ma`y
ciao la tieng gi vay ?
tao hieu moi ghe do'
tao hoi may CIAO la` nghia gi?
game ma tao cung dau co care
may` care cai test lam gi ma`y
ciao la tieng gi vay ?
tao hieu moi ghe do'
tao hoi may CIAO la` nghia gi?
These words were written by a Gamer who conflict with you in a gameonline ( I guess that you are playing gameonline). I can understand these words in Vietnamese. But my English is too bad, I afraid that I will mistake if I translate into English.
" This is only a game, I don't care !
why do you care for this test?
what laguage is " ciao " ( or what does " ciao " mean? )
I don't understand ( or if I understand, That will be a strange thing )
I ask you. What is CIAO ? "
Con` day la ban dich. tu Tieng Viet sang Tieng Viet
" Tro` choi thoi ma`, tao khong quan tam
May` cay cu' (chu' y' ) den' cai' nay` lam` gi?
" Ciao la` tieng' nuoc' nao` ha may? ( hoac "ciao" la` gi` may ? )
Tao hieu? moi' ghe^ do'
Tao hoi may` CIAO la cai gi? "
Last edited by livelong; 09-19-2007 at 07:28 PM.
I don't like English, I hate foreign language My English is very "banana" But I must use it So i want to learn English and I can teach Vietnamese for who need it
my Y!M: chau_truong_sinh
Ciao có nghĩa là chào. Ciao = hello = bye