Hi can someone please translate the following...

I was very happy to get your email--It always puts a smile on my face when I get your emails, letters, and phone calls! Do you realize that we've talked to each other once a day since I've left!? lol...I was just thinking about it the other day, and I think I'm addicted to you! I get the urge to call you alot, but have to restrain myself because of the time difference! I am glad I get to talk to you so often though...I like hearing your voice!! You better be careful because I just might be standing outside your window stalking you right now...just kidding!

So I know we talk everyday, but what have you been doing lately? In the US, we don't get days/weeks/months off like Vietnam for Tet...so I've been working. After work I've been hanging out with Billy, once or twice a few different friends of mine have called inviting me out to eat or drink. It's okay, but not as much fun as I had in Vietnam when you took me out!

Remember that time we went to Saigon and ate at the park?? I don't remember what it was called, but I've been craving it--the dish with beef jerky and shredded vegetables in some sort of marinade with peanuts--what is it called again?? That day was so much fun...oh the memories!

Well, I'm at work, so I better keep this short--I've been very busy, but distracted by thoughts of you on my mind! I know it's not bedtime now, but sleep well okay?! That's going to be our new motto! Sleep well! ;D