càc bạn chuyển thử những câu này sang passive voice nhá( cũng ko khó lém đâu nàh)
exercises on the passive voice
1.we expect students not to talk during the exmaination.
2.don't leave those boys alone or they'll tear down the place.
3. no one has ever known him to be dishonest.
4.are you interested in the job they have offered you?
5.no matter what we spend the money on, we must account for every penny.
6.they announced over the radio taht the weather was changing for the better.
7.they pointed out the woman to him, and he wnet over to her.
8.they haven't sent us the book they published last year.
9.everyone thought that Tom was the laziest of all the pupils.
10.we had to wait for 15 minutes before they put us through to him.
11.they rumour that he has gone to Canada on some important business.
12.evidently someone had informed him of the news before they announced it.
13.did anyone see you come in?
14.it was not until someone fired a shot that i realised that someone was chasing me
15.he hates people staring at him while he is out in the street.
16.i want you to leave me alone.
17. he objects to people laughing at his mistakes.
18.they saw him walking with his friends before he got lost.
19.someone saw him pick up a stone and throw it at the riot police.
20. the school ia admitting a large number of neww pupils this year.
21.they have never elected any woman President of the US.
22.Ruth is disappointed; they have given the job she appiled for to someone with more experience.
23.they speak well of his boy friends.
24. Eric sat silent in the car, wondering where they were talking him