here the letter to be translate thanks in advance for anybody who willing to do this.........

As an incentive for SUMMER reading, I am sending home a Scholastic Book Order. The more books you order, the class receives free books and classroom materials. So….. not only do the books benefit your child’s reading as we prepare for 1st grade, but it also helps us gain new materials for our classroom absolutely free! This is an excellent opportunity for you to purchase books at an incredible price and the class earns bonus points to get free materials and books! You do not have to participate, but I strongly encourage you to. You and your child should look through it and decide if you want to place an order. If so, fill out the form on the back, add up the total and bring a money order or check made out to: Scholastic Book Club. I will mail your order from school and the book company will send the books within about 2 weeks. There is a minimum order amount of $30 for the whole class, so if we do not have enough participation, orders cannot be made. I have participated in this activity in the past and the children love to get their book order when it comes in, they get so excited about reading! Please send the order in no later than Friday, May 25, 2007 (in order to ensure that books are back by June 8, 2007, no late orders will be accepted because it is so close to the end of the school year). Remember all orders must be made by MONEY ORDER OR CHECK, I CANNOT MAIL CASH! Money orders can be purchased at convenient stores, banks, or grocery stores. Thanks for your participation.

Remember that you can order books for siblings, cousins and family friends as well! They make great gifts.

Happy Reading,
Ms. Summers