- take the bull by the horn: deal with problem bravely or confidently
- be on the same page: working well together and have the same aims
- think out of the box: think of new, different, unusual way of doing sth, especially in business
- shoot from the hip: be direct/not diplomatic
- see eye to eye: (used in negatives) agree with each other
- bend over backwards: try hard to please somebody
- lay it on the line: state sth especially a threat , demand, criticism in clear way
- back out: to decide not to do something that you had promised to do
- give and take(noun): a willingness between 2 people or group to understand each other
- mett us halfway: do sth that sb wants in orfer to reach an agreement with sb
- cut the deal: make the business deal
- be water under the bridge: to say sth happened in the past shod be forgotten
- a win-win situation: a situation in which everyone gets what they want