Idioms from Geography
1. dirt cheap: very inexpensive
Eg: She needed money badly. So she has a garage sale in which she sold a lot of her things dirt cheap.
2. down-to-earth: honest and direct, sensible and practical.
Eg: Oleg is always willing to give advice, and his advice is usually valuable. He's down-to-earth.
3. to go downhill: to go down in numbers or in quality, get worse.
Eg: The company is going to go downhill rapidly. It needs to produce and sell more and better products.
4. to make a mountain out of a molehill.
Eg: Sally usually get good grades, but she didn't do well on the last test. Now she is making a mountain out of a molehill.
5. once in a blue moon: almost never, very seldom.
Eg: Katie is so busy that she sees her brother Kevin only once in a blue moon.
6. out of this world: excellent, very wood.
Eg: The ice-cream at that store is out of this world. I'd walk a mile to buy some.
7. out of the woods: out of the trouble or difficult.
Eg: He was very ill, but he's getting better. He's out of the wood.
8. over the hill: getting too old.
Eg: I used to be able to run five miles a day without any problem. Now I have trouble running just two miles. I must be getting over the hill.

A Down-To-Earth-Town
Nothing much ever happens in our town. But, once in a blue moon, everyone gets excited about something. The town picnic in the middle of summer is the big event of the year. People come to it from all over. But basically Bobtown is a quiet, sleepy old town. Some people say that it's going downhill. Is it true that many citizens have moved away. There are empty houses, and real estate is dirt cheap. But the people who stayed have kept the spirit. Yes, Bobtown is a simple place for simple people. People here are down-to-earth. They're not afraid to say what they think. They don't make a mountain out of a molehill. If a problem comes up, they solve it and don't waste time talking about how bad the situation is. Every election, the same mayor wins by a landslide. She gets all eighty votes.
Fill in the gap:
1. ..................... almost never, very seldom.
2. ...................... getting too old
3. ....................... to get almost all of the votes.
4......................... honest and direct, sensible and practical.
5. ........................ very inexpensive
6. ........................ out of the trouble or difficulty.
7. ......................... excellent, very good.
8. ......................... small part of a large problem
9. ......................... to make a big problem out of a small problem.
10. ........................ in trouble
11. ......................... to go down in numbers or in quality, get worse.