Hello everyone, I'm newcomer and just register into this forum.

I had studied 2 years in Taiwan but not learning Chinese 'cause I was studying in foreign college and learning by English . After coming back to Vietnam , my job is not relating anything to English communication so I'm worried I gonna lose them and it's embrassing if some of my foreigner friend come to visit me and I'll forget to make conversation with them by English . So my point is I want to communicate with foreigner friends living in Hanoi , no need English native speaker , just foreigner in order to make training to each other among different languages.

My skype is gerrard_vn99 and I think I should not give the YM because i'm afraid of virus from adding stranger. I'm living in Hanoi and got married. My English name is Gerrard so you can call me Gerrard . Of course I'm from Vietnam.

Nice to meet you guys .