These are all medicals words in English and its definitions, this one have nothing to do with my volunteer works just would like to have these useful words in Vietnamese. Anybody out there good with medicals please help. I greatly appreciate for who willing to try:
-Lymphatitis: inflammation of the lymphatic system
-Lymphoma: a general term for the growth of malignant new tissue in the lymphatic system; that include Hodfkin's diseases, lymphatic leukemia and reticulosis.
-Infectious mononucleosis: an acute infectious disease that affects primarily lymph tissue; lymph node and spleen are enlarge and there is an abnormally high number of lymphocytes in the blood.
- Allergies and autoinmmune disorder: Where the ummine system averacts
_Immunodeficiency disorder: Where the system is to weak to to cope with the diseases.
-Notorious immunodeficiency: Disease of the last few decades is aid
-Acquired immunnodeficiency syndrome: which cause by HIV (Human immunodeficiency virus)
-Grave's disease, multiple sclerosis, myasthenia gravis, systemic lupus erythematosus and pernicious enemia.
-Enzyme-linked immunadosorbent assay or ELISA: is for blood test for HIV infections.
-Asymptomatic Carrier: When HIV infected persons have no symptoms
-Western Blot: HIV blood test for confirmation
I greatly appreciate in advance!!!!!