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Pls help me to find a helmet!
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Thread: Pls help me to find a helmet!

  1. #1

    Red face Pls help me to find a helmet!

    In order to prepare for making motorbike helmet wearing compulsory (according to a recent helmet wearing law, state officials are supposed to wear helmet on all roads from Sept 15 and nationwide from Dec 15), i decided to go with the hope that I could find an expected helmet this afternoon.

    After two hours walking around the city, I recogniezed one thing, it’s completely not easy to find an helmet although the markets are dominated by motorbike helmets.
    There were many kinds of helmets on the markets but I couldn’t recognize which one can protect my head and no one tell me which kinds of helmet that met the quality standards. Let me tell you a story:
    Our company provided a helmet for each of us, but when a colleague of mine tried to test the helmet, he handed it over his head and dropped it down (đưa lên quá đầu và thả xuống) and fortunately it was immediately broken.
    Further more, I have recenrly read a message somewhere else on news paper that according to a test recently done by authority show that three-quarters of motorbike helmets sold in Vietnam do not met the quality standards.

    And right now, I’m not confident enough to choose a helmet by myself among AMARO, AMORO, FLOWER, PROTEC….

    Anyone please recommend me which one we should choose in an booming helmet market.

    Thanks alots.
    Last edited by ducphu; 09-12-2007 at 11:16 PM.

  2. #2
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2007


    Ducphu, I see that you are making good efforts to practice your English writing skills. So, today, I decided to help you correct the errors, because I have some free time. I have tried to keep as much of your original writing and thoughts and possible. I am glad to see some improvement compared with your previous posts. However, sentence structure and grammar is still weak.

    In order to prepare for the mandatory wearing of helmets while riding a motorbike (according to a recent helmet wearing law, state officials are supposed to wear helmets on all roads from Sept 15 and nationwide from Dec 15); this afternoon, I decided to set out in the hopes that I could find a helmet.

    After two hours walking around the city, I realized one thing: it’s not easy to find a helmet; although, the markets are saturated with motorbike helmets. There were many kinds of helmets in the shops but I didn’t know which ones could protect my head and there was no one to tell me which kind of helmets met safety standards. Let me tell you a story:

    Our company provided a helmet for each employee. A colleague of mine tried to test the helmet; but, unfortunately, when he raised it over his head and brought it down, it broke immediately. Further more, I have recently read a story in some newspaper that, according to recent tests performed by authorities, three-quarters of motorbike helmets sold in Vietnam do not meet safety standards.

    Therefore, presently, I am not confident enough to choose a helmet by myself among the following brands: AMARO, FLOWER, PROTEC...

    Can anyone please make a recommendation on which one I should choose in a booming helmet market.

    Now, please take note of the words in red. 1) Recognize/ Realize: "Recognize" thường dùng khi muốn nói nhận ra một người, vật, hay một chỗ nào. Ví dụ: a) "I recognize that man"; b) "Even though she had gone away for many years, she still recognized the town." Dùng "Realize" khi muốn nói đến sự nhận thức (in your mind) Ví dụ: a) "Sau 2 tiếng đi vòng thành phố, tôi nhận thức được..." 2) Dominate/ Saturate: Nếu dùng "dominate" trong câu viết thì có nghĩa là các cửa hàng, chợ búa bán mũ an toàn nhiều hơn những thứ khác, vì "dominate" có nghĩa là trội hơn, chiếm ưu thế hơn. Vậy, mũ an toàn bán nhiều hơn quần áo? thực phẩm? 3) Quality/ Safety: khi nói đến sự an toàn thì tiêu chuẩn là tiêu chuẩn về an toàn "safety" chứ không phải là "quality". 4) Message/ Story: "message" là mẫu nhắn tin. Nếu đã đăng trên báo thì nó thành một mục bài (story) cho dù ngắn cách mấy, chứ không phải nhắn tin. Báo chí có những mẫu nhắn tin nhưng thông thường là dưới hình thức quảng cáo hoặc nhắn tin tìm người, kết bạn v..v.. 5) Luật viết văn, không được bắt đầu một câu (sentence) bằng "And"; bắt đầu từ lớp 4-5 trong các trường ngoại quốc, các học sinh thường được thầy cô ngăn cấm việc này. 5) We/I: Nguyên bài đã dùng đại từ (pronoun) "I" thì phải giữ nguyên như vậy, câu cuối không được tùy tiện đổi thành "we".
    Last edited by carolton67; 09-13-2007 at 05:41 AM.

  3. #3


    Dear Carolton67,
    Thank you very much for your corrections and advices.

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