and here another one is kind long I can paste it at one time because the character was to long. thank you if you could help me with this
The cafeteria staff serves a balanced, hot lunch in the cafeteria each day. Students may instead choose to bring a lunch from home. Milk can be purchased by all students. Drinks requiring cans or glass bottles are not permitted in the cafeteria. Due to child nutrition recommendations, please DO NOT send sodas to school for your child’s lunch. Chewing gum and candy are prohibited. The staff is not allowed to heat up food in a microwave so do not send anything that requires heating.
Meal Prices
Regular lunch Reduced Lunch
Extra Milk Adult Lunch
Regular Reduced Adult
Parents may pay by the week, month, or send a specified amount to be placed in the child’s cafeteria account (Ex. $20.00). The amount spent daily will be subtracted. All checks for this purpose should be made out to GCS Newcomers School Cafeteria.
In emergencies, the cafeteria will loan one day’s lunch money to students with parental permission. Borrowed money is to be repaid the following day. Students who owe money will receive an alternate meal. Students are responsible for keeping up with money they bring to school.
Child Custody
If you and your spouse are separated or divorced and you have been granted custody of your child through a court order or deed of separation, please advise us of this fact. The only way we can comply with the court’s order is to have a copy of the order in your child’s file.
Should your child become ill during the school day, parents will be notified so the student can be picked up from the school office. Please be certain that we have several names and numbers of people we may contact. Please notify the school if any of these names/numbers change during the year. Students should be “fever free” and/or “vomiting/diarrhea free” for 24 hours before returning to school. This prevents the spreading of virus and germs.
Inclement Weather
On days when weather conditions create questionable circumstances for opening school, parents should listen to local TV and radio stations for public information announcements. If school is open late, school employees report to work fifteen minutes before students. For this reason, students must not be left at school at the regular time when the opening of school is delayed.
If early dismissal is deemed necessary, closing times will be announced on local TV and radio stations.
The school recognizes that a student with chronic or unusual health problems may require medication during school hours. When possible, arrangements should be made with the physician to adjust the dosage so that it can be given at home before and after school. If this is not possible, please adhere to the following procedures:
1. The school must be provided with authorization of the doctor as well as the parent for ANY medication to be administered at school. (A form may be secured from the school secretary).
2. Medication must be delivered in person by the parent or guardian at the time the “Parent’s Authorization Form” is submitted.
3. Medicine shall be provided in the original prescription bottle, which shall include the name of the student, the name of the drug, the frequency, and the description of the anticipated reactions of the student to the medication.
4. Whenever medicine is changed by the physician, the parent is responsible for informing the school by submitting a new form and delivering medication to the school. Telephone calls cannot be accepted for this purpose.
Personal Property
Students should only bring to school those materials that are necessary for the instructional program. Games, CD players, cell phones, dolls, IPods, beepers, basketballs, etc. are not allowed at school or on the school bus. If such items are brought to school, they will be collected by a staff member and will be returned to the parent when he/she visits the school. TOY GUNS AND KNIVES SHOULD NOT BE BROUGHT TO SCHOOL UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES. Possession of any type of weapons or explosive devices is a violation of the Guilford County Schools “Student Code of Conduct.”
Each student is expected to be responsible for all personal property (money, bookbags, clothing, jewelry, etc.) that is brought to school. The school will not assume responsibility for any personal items brought to school.
Physical Education
Students will participate daily in Physical Education class. Students will be required to change into a PE uniform. Guidelines for PE uniforms will be sent home by the PE teacher.
Student Records
Please contact the counselor if you wish to make an appointment to review your child’s records. Appointments must be scheduled to review records.
Telephone Messages
Students will be permitted to use the phone in an emergency situation and then only with permission from a staff member.
When calling a teacher a message will be taken to prevent classroom disruptions. Please understand that teachers won’t usually be able to check voice mails until the end of the school day.
Visitation and Conferences
Parents are encouraged to visit the school. If you desire a conference with your child’s teacher, please contact the teacher to schedule an appointment. Parents who wish to schedule conferences with the principal should call the office to schedule an appointment. Interpreters are available to assist with conferences.
Visitors and parents are always welcome at GCS Newcomers School. It is required that ALL PERSONS COMING TO THE SCHOOL CHECK IN THROUGH THE OFFICE. For the safety of the children, all parents, volunteers, observers, and visitors are required to wear special name tags when in the school building during regular school hours.
Parents and grandparents are urged to volunteer their help at our school. We believe that parents have much to contribute to the educational process. Our school welcomes and encourages parent participation through various projects and programs.
Please let us know if you have a special interest or if you would like to help in a particular way.
The Guilford County Schools Code of Conduct was developed to ensure safe, orderly, and productive schools. Parents and students are requested to read and discuss the GCS Code of Conduct. Students are expected to obey all school and classroom rules.
Bus Conduct
Bus riding is a privilege. In order to guarantee the safety of your child and other children who ride the bus, we ask for your help in maintaining good bus behavior.
Listed below are rules and policies which will be guidelines for expected behavior on our school buses. Please discuss bus behavior and rules with your child and make clear your expectations for good bus behavior.
1. Follow directions of the driver and teacher.
2. Stay seated unless getting on or off the bus.
3. Keep hands, feet, and objects to one’s self.
4. No shouting, teasing, or inappropriate language.
5. No fighting or threat of physical harm.
6. Keep the aisle clear of objects.
Consequences of bus misbehavior
Drivers will give students an appropriate warning when necessary. The following consequences will be enforced:
Violation #1: Warning by driver
Violation #2: Child will meet with principal to discuss behavior.
Note may be sent home to parent.
Violation #3: Contact is made with parent.
Violation #4: Three days suspension from the bus. Extended suspension as necessary.