Thất bại lớn nhất của đời người là tự đại
Đáng thương nhất của đời người là tự ti.
Tự đại + Tự ti = thất bại đáng thương nhất
People Different From Us
Small-Town News: Nicholas Palmer, 22, briefly took to the woods near Swanville, Maine, in October after an altercation with his sister. He had tried to snip the cord of the clipper she was using to shave the family cat to rid it of fleas and ticks. [Bangor Daily News, 10-24-07]
Những con người khác với chúng ta
Tin tức thành phố nhỏ: Nicholas Palmer, 22 tuổi, chạy vào rừng một chốc (cho yên ổn?) ở gần Swanville Maine, trong tháng Mười sau cuộc cải vả với chị/em của anh ta. Anh ta đã tìm cách cắt (bằng kềm cắt) sợi dây điện của cái tong-đơ mà cô ta đã dùng để cạo lông con mèo của gia đình để trừ khử rận và chí. [Báo tin tức hàng ngày Bangor, 10-24-07]
Flea: nên dịch là bọ chét. Con này nhỏ và nhẩy rất cao.
Tick: là con ve (chó, nai, vv) con này mầu xám và to bằng hột đậu xanh và rất chậm.
Lice mới là chí/chấy.
Rận thì là human flea hoặc Pulex irritans. Rận chỗ kín thì kêu là crab.
Nit: trứng chấy. Nit pick: bắt bẻ, bới lông tìm vết.
Latest Religious Messages
In Russia, at least two eccentric Christian sects are in the news: Thirty members of a cult devoted to the mesmerizing, diagnosed-schizophrenic Pyotr Kuznetsov have holed up in a cave in the Penza region since Nov. 7, awaiting the end of the world in May 2008 (though Kuznetsov has asked them publicly to come out). [Reuters, 11-15-07]
And a group in the city of Nizhny Novgorod worships outgoing president Vladimir Putin as the incarnation of the Apostle Paul and King Solomon. "We didn't choose Putin," said one devotee. "... God himself has chosen him!"
[Russian News and Information Agency/Novosti, 11-12-07
ec•cen•tric (ĭk-sĕntrĭk, ĕk-) adj.
1. Departing from a recognized, conventional, or established norm or pattern. See Synonyms at strange.
sect (sĕkt) n.
1. A group of people forming a distinct unit within a larger group by virtue of certain refinements or distinctions of belief or practice.
2. A religious body, especially one that has separated from a larger denomination.
3. A faction united by common interests or beliefs.
mes•mer•ize (mĕzmə-rīz′, mĕs-)
tr.v. mes•mer•ized, mes•mer•iz•ing, mes•mer•iz•es
1. To spellbind; enthrall: "He could mesmerize an audience by the sheer force of his presence" (Justin Kaplan).
2. To hypnotize.
mes′mer•i•zation (-mər-ĭ-zāshən) n.
mesmer•iz′er n.
schiz•o•phre•ni•a (skĭt′sə-frēnē-ə, -frĕnē-ə) n.
1. Any of a group of psychotic disorders usually characterized by withdrawal from reality, illogical patterns of thinking, delusions, and hallucinations, and accompanied in varying degrees by other emotional, behavioral, or intellectual disturbances. Schizophrenia is associated with dopamine imbalances in the brain and defects of the frontal lobe and is caused by genetic, other biological, and psychosocial factors.
in•car•na•tion (ĭn′kär-nāshən) n.
a. The act of incarnating.
b. The condition of being incarnated.
2. Incarnation Christianity The doctrine that the Son of God was conceived in the womb of Mary and that Jesus is true God and true man.
3. A bodily manifestation of a supernatural being.
4. One who is believed to personify a given abstract quality or idea.
5. A period of time passed in a given bodily form or condition: hopes for a better life in another incarnation.
Last edited by MANH NGUYEN; 01-20-2008 at 03:19 AM.
Dirtiest hotels in the United States
January 20, 2008
TripAdvisor has released its annual list of the dirtiest hotels in the United States, based on cleanliness ratings from users at
The Hotel Carter in New York is in the top two for the third consecutive year.
Advertisement1. Hotel Carter – New York City
2. Ramada Niagara Falls (currently closed for renovations) – Niagara Falls, N.Y.
3. Days Inn Vanderbilt/Music Row – Nashville, Tenn.
4. Red Carpet Inn – Fort Lauderdale, Fla.
5. Regency Inn & Suites – New York City
6. St. Augustine Beachfront Resort – St. Augustine, Fla.
7. Travel Inn Civic/Medical Center – Miami
8. Eden Roc Motel – Wildwood, N.J.
9. Days Inn Lancaster – Lancaster, Pa.
10. Pacific Sands Motel, Santa Monica
SOURCE:; TripAdvisor
Judges Fond of Probation: An unnamed Children's Court judge in Melbourne, Australia, sentenced eight boys to probation in November even though he had found them guilty of sexually assaulting a teenage girl, setting her hair on fire, spitting and urinating on her, and filming the episode. (There was no jail time, but the youths were assigned to a rehabilitation program teaching "positive sexuality"!) [The Age (Melbourne), 11-5-07]
fond1 (fŏnd)
adj. fond•er, fond•est
1. Having a strong liking, inclination, or affection: fond of ballet; fond of my nieces and nephews.
tr.v. Law sen•tenced, sen•tenc•ing, sen•tenc•es To pronounce sentence upon (one adjudged guilty). See Synonyms at condemn.
Guilty of sexually assaulting: bị tội về cưởng bức tình dục…
To set (her) hair on fire: đốt cháy tóc
v. spat (spăt) or spit, spit•ting, spits
v. tr.
1. To eject from the mouth: spat out the grape seeds.
2. To eject as if from the mouth: a fire spitting sparks.
3. To emit suddenly and forcefully: spat out an insult.
\ˈyər-ə-ˌnāt, ˈyu̇r-\
intransitive verb
uri•nat•ed; uri•nat•ing
: to discharge urine : MICTURATE
— uri•na•tion \ˌyər-ə-ˈnā-shən, ˈyu̇r-\ noun
ep•i•sode (ĕpĭ-sōd′)
a. An incident or event that is part of a progression or a larger sequence: "South Africa may remain one of history's most tragic episodes" (Bayard Rustin).
re•ha•bil•i•tate (rē′hə-bĭlĭ-tāt′)
tr.v. re•ha•bil•i•tat•ed, re•ha•bil•i•tat•ing, re•ha•bil•i•tates
1. To restore to good health or useful life, as through therapy and education.
2. To restore to good condition, operation, or capacity
3. To reinstate the good name of.
4. To restore the former rank, privileges, or rights of.
Transplant patient changes blood type
January 25, 2008
CANBERRA, Australia – A teenage girl has become the world's first known transplant patient to change blood types and take on the immune system of her organ donor, doctors said
Demi-Lee Brennan, 15, received a donor liver when she was 9 years old and her own liver failed.
Brennan's body changed blood type from O negative to O positive when she became ill while on drugs to avoid rejection of the organ by her body's immune system. Her new liver's blood stem cells then invaded her body's bone marrow to take over her entire immune system, meaning the teen no longer needs anti-rejection drugs.
Doctors from Sydney's Westmead Children's Hospital said they had no explanation for Brennan's recovery, detailed in The New England Journal of Medicine.
Bênh nhân cấy cơ phận (tự) thay đổi loại máu
Jan. 25/2008
CANBERRA, Australia – Một em bé gái được biết là bệnh nhân đầu tiên ghép cơ phận trên thế giới đã tự thay đổi loại máu và chấp nhận hệ thống miễn nhiễm của người cho cơ phận, những BS. nói như thế.
Demi-Lee Brennan, 15 tuổi, đã nhận ghép lá gan lúc 9 tuổi và gan của em không hoạt động được.
Thân thể của em Brennan tự đổi loại máu từ O- ra O+ khi em bị bệnh trong lúc đang sử dụng thuốc để chống lại sự phản ứng của cơ phận với hệ thống miễn nhiễm của thân thể. Tế bào máu gan mới của em lúc đó xâm nhập vào tủy xương sống của em và chế ngự toàn thể hệ thống miễn nhiễm, có nghĩa rằng em không cần phải dùng thuốc chống phản ứng của thân thể nữa.
Những Bác sĩ bệnh viện trẻ con Westmead ở Sydney nói rằng họ không giải thích được sự hồi phục của em bé Brennan, chi tiết trong tờ báo về Y Khoa của New England.
TTX Reuters
Last edited by MANH NGUYEN; 01-27-2008 at 09:20 AM.
The continuing crisis
New York City apartment house doorman Jonah Seeman was suspended in December after excessive complaints about his bad breath. His job, said a resident, is opening the door, "not ... his mouth." [Newsday-AP, 12-7-07]
The continuing crisis
New York City apartment house doorman Jonah Seeman was suspended in December after excessive complaints about his bad breath. His job, said a resident, is opening the door, "not ... his mouth." [Newsday-AP, 12-7-07]
door·man (dôrmăn′, -mən, dōr-)
A man employed to attend the entrance of a hotel, apartment house, or other building.
sus·pend (sə-spĕnd)
v. sus·pend·ed, sus·pend·ing, sus·pends
v. tr.
1. To bar for a period from a privilege, office, or position, usually as a punishment: suspend a student from school.
2. To cause to stop for a period; interrupt: suspended the trial.
com·plaint (kəm-plānt)
1. An expression of pain, dissatisfaction, or resentment.
2. A cause or reason for complaining; a grievance.
breath (brĕth)
1. The air inhaled and exhaled in respiration.
2. The act or process of breathing; respiration.
3. The capacity to breathe, especially in a natural and unlabored manner: shortness of breath.
res·i·dent (rĕzĭ-dənt, -dĕnt′)
1. One who resides in a particular place permanently
The Continuing Crisis
Maurice Fox, 77, said in December he would comply with the wishes of the Kirkham Street Sports and Social Club of Paignton, England, to sit only by the front door so he could excuse himself when he needed to pass gas, which management said had become a problem. [BBC News, 12-4-07]
To pass gas: fart (färt) Vulgar Slang intr.v. fart·ed, fart·ing, farts
1. To expel intestinal gas through the anus; break wind.
2. To fool around; fritter time away.
1. An often audible discharge of intestinal gas.
2. An annoying or foolish person.
ex·cuse (ĭk-skyz)
tr.v. ex·cused, ex·cus·ing, ex·cus·es
a. To explain (a fault or an offense) in the hope of being forgiven or understood: He arrived late and excused his tardiness in a flimsy manner.