This is what I need to work on more. There are so many ways to write a sentence but I have to decide on which sounds better.
And I suggest that reading books is an effective way to learn how to write good sentences.
Please share if you think there is a another way to improve this skill.
"Live as if you were to die tomorrow, learn as if you were to live forever" -- Mahatma Gandhi
hà hà .... most of my English was learned from friends and Vdict. I know it isn't good enough, but I love it.
Thất bại lớn nhất của đời người là tự đại
Đáng thương nhất của đời người là tự ti.
Tự đại + Tự ti = thất bại đáng thương nhất
From my experience, I can learn faster by communicating but sometimes I probably learn what I should not. For example, since I heard a lot of people use it, I didn't know that "double negative" was wrong when meaning something negatively (I didn't do nothing, I don't talk to them no more)
Last edited by TLT; 07-26-2010 at 03:22 PM.
"Live as if you were to die tomorrow, learn as if you were to live forever" -- Mahatma Gandhi
Nhất tự vi sư , bán tự vi sư
1st Version:
Anyone who teaches me one word - even half a word - is still my teacher.
2nd Version:
Even he who teaches me the smallest bit can still be called my teacher
Please correct my grammar as you see fit. Much appreciated!
yeah,it is English basic grammar. In some cases, It sounds wrong. But if we write them down in certain way , they will be ok. Such as, I don't talk to them. No more.
BTW, you wrote " I can learn faster by communicating ". Is it any difference if we use communication instead of communicating?
Thất bại lớn nhất của đời người là tự đại
Đáng thương nhất của đời người là tự ti.
Tự đại + Tự ti = thất bại đáng thương nhất
hi everybody
why do you write Vietnamese very good?
what`s your job?
Have you got friend in Vietnam?
When do you come to Vietnam?
My number phone: 0949326223
see you again!