wow!Hi France!
It's so nice to hear that an american really wants to know about Vietnam and especially wants to speak Vietnamese.
I live in Hanoi, near Older Quarter.I'm willing to help you out! i'm not sure i can be a good Vnese-teacher,but i can promise you that i'm a good friend to talk to you in Vnese,to tell you all about Vn.
If you have some chances to come to Hanoi, i'm really glad and so proud to take you around(i have a motobike ^^),introduce to you about Hanoi,go somewhere, eat something(hanoian foods).It's gonna be great!
i know my english is not so good and maybe it's hard to get it all, but its all i want to say!
hope you understand and pls do not think that i want to earn any benefits from you,i just want to have friends arround the world and help them to know more about my place, that's it!
Call me anytime you want to talk! my cell: +84976504460
(you can add my Yahoo ID to talk with voice chat function, it's free so we can talk much more! my ID: kool_n_shock)
C u soon!
tạm biệt France nhé, hẹn gặp lại bạn vào một dịp gần nhất!
btw,i'm a male,u r m or f?
Last edited by boyvuivehn88; 04-10-2010 at 11:01 AM.