Người Việt trong nước hay ở nước ngoài cũng vậy có người dùng hẳn từ computer luôn.
Nhưng ở đây là nói về "dịch, translate" khi dịch thì họ dịch là máy điện toán (nếu không dùng từ computer). còn người Việt ở trong nước thì thường dùng từ vi tính, như đánh máy vi tính chẳng hạn.
Cũng có một số rất ít ngưởi trong nước dùng từ máy điện toán, nhưng số này không đáng kể.
well , in vietnam we are still using lots of loan words . Loan words manily derived from chinese but you can still find out lots of loan words which are originally from french ,italian and also from other neighboring asian countries that make the language become more colourful and sound very mixed though. in addition ,as people locally use lots of slangs and their local dialects as well .
nowadays,Not only young people in every country but also the vietnamese who tend to use their own laguages [ slangs,or mixed language] which are created by their own group of people based on their mother tongue in both spoken and written language.
In vietnam ,Lots of our old vietnamese have been faded away or rarely used by people today because in many big cities which are being westernised we tend to use a lot of mixed words because people work or may see lots of Ads in english .e.g: em co the fax cho anh cai form do khong? or anh mail cho em chua ? to be honest i often use lots of mixed words like that.It's bad isn't it. I am trying to give it up.
In many bilingual countries such as : canada, america , singapore, hongkong,etc..people tend to use both english -chinese, certain conversation.
it's good to adopt other's culture or to learn the language but we should not kill or abuse our own language buy using such language to much .
There also
agree 100%. I don't use mixed words when I interpret. In fact, I don't even use words that are very common in Vietnam such as "OK", "internet", "fax" ...etc. They're destroying our beautiful language little by little.
When I was interpreting some executives in Vietnam, I got a lot of raised was like I spoke a foreign language. It's YOUR language, use it properly!
I understand that there are borrowed words like "chemises" and "camion" when we didn't have so* mi & xe ta?i...but if we have it, use it!
Nam Quốc Sơn Hà, Nam Đế Cư are they have been living overseas since 1975-80
nói đến nhạc thì phải nhạc tiền chiến ..nhạc sến ..hehehe còn nhạc bây giờ là nhạc mì ăn liền ..hehehe
Tóc mai sợi vắn sợi dài
Lấy nhau chẳng đặng thương hoài nghìn năm
vietnam_rogue :
Re: Loan words
Admittedly they are words that we have borrowed from other countries..but with time they have become our own words..even spelt our why not use them? properly?
ie = cà phê , beurre = bơ , salad = sà lách
Tóc mai sợi vắn sợi dài
Lấy nhau chẳng đặng thương hoài nghìn năm
Small detail : It seems that cà phê have been borrowed from the french word café, not from the english coffee which pronunciation is slightly different.
Anyway, vietnamese cà phê is much better... just a matter of gu (goût : french for taste)![]()
Salad là gỏi mà đâu phải xà lách
Xà lách = lettuce
Nhất tự vi sư , bán tự vi sư
1st Version:
Anyone who teaches me one word - even half a word - is still my teacher.
2nd Version:
Even he who teaches me the smallest bit can still be called my teacher
Please correct my grammar as you see fit. Much appreciated!