What is VDict community?
VDict community is a language-related online discussion board, where users can read discussion topics, start their own threads and reply to other users' messages

What is VDict community for?
The main purpose of VDict community is to help language learners exchange their study experiences, tips and information, practice the learning language and get helps from other learners.
This forum is also used as a communication channel between VDict users and VDict developers.

Who are VDict community for?
- Vietnamese people learning foreign languages
- People learning Vietnamese language, studying about Vietnamese culture, seeking for Vietnamese translation help...
- Everyone else

Why is VDict community different?
It is a language exchange community, where native Vietnamese speakers are able to help foreigners learning Vietnamese language while getting help at the same time. Through the forum, all users have chance to practice with native speakers of the language he/she is learning (which is the fastest and most efficient way to learn a new language)

What are the rules?
Be nice and use common sense.
Do not post anything illegal under Vietnam and International law, including (but not limited to) copyrighted materials, virus, spams... Do not violate Vietnam's regulations regarding discussion of sensitive issues (politics, religion & explicit sexual topics...)

Enjoy your stay

VDict development team