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Thread: Nội và Ngoại Động Từ

  1. #11
    Senior Member Quang's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Hà Nội


    Lão phu thành thật tạ lỗi với chư vị.
    Người Vặn vẹo Khổng tử là Hạng Thác chứ không phải Mạnh Thang, chuyện nó thế này:
    Một hôm, thầy Khổng Tử dẫn đệ tử đi qua một làng kia, gặp chú nhỏ Hạng Thác, mới có chừng 6-7 tuổi. Chú nhỏ chặn lại, hỏi:
    - Ông có phải là bậc thầy thiên hạ, cái gì cũng biết không?
    Khổng Tử cười:
    - Cũng gần như vậy.
    Hạng Thác mới hỏi:
    - Vậy, tôi hỏi ông vài chuyện, ông muốn hỏi chuyện xa hay chuyện gần?
    Khổng Tử nói:
    - Chuyện xa trước đi!
    Chú nhỏ mới hỏi:
    - Vậy, đố ông biết mặt trời lúc nào gần ta nhất?
    Khổng Tử cười:
    - Không có lúc nào gần, lúc nào xa, lúc nào cũng như vậy.
    Hạng Thác lắc đầu:
    - Ông nói sai rồi! Nếu lúc nào cũng vậy, sao sáng sớm, mới mọc thì mát, lúc trưa thì nóng?
    Khổng tử bí, nói lảng:
    - Ừ thì cứ như thế đi, còn chuyện gần?
    Hạng Thác hỏi:
    - Chuyện gần nhất là cái lông my. Đố ông biết ông có bao nhiêu cái lông my?
    Khổng tử mới ngửa mặt lên trời mà than như trên...
    Lão phu cũng quên mất bản gốc, ai có xho xem lại thì hay. Mà cái Nho giáo này cũng không phải là thứ lão phu hâm mộ.

  2. #12


    Tôi nhớ chuyện thế này :
    Một hôm Khổng Tử cùng với đệ tử đang đi dạo thì gặp 2 đứa nhỏ đang tranh cãi nhau.
    Một đứa thì nói buổi sáng mặt trời gần trái đất hơn vì buổi sáng trông nó to hơn. Đứa kia nói buổi trưa mặt trời mới gần trái đất hơn vì buổi trưa do gần hơn nên nóng hơn
    Hai đứa thấy KT đi tới bèn hỏi : Ông là bậc vạn thế sư biểu vậy cho tôi hỏi lúc nào thì mặt trời gần trái đất hơn; buổi sáng hay buổi trưa.
    Khổng TỬ nghe hỏi cũng bí bèn than "hậu sinh khả úy" (kẻ sinh sau thật là đáng sợ)
    Vậy nhớ đừng lộn qua hậu sinh khả quý hay tam sao thất bổn thành hậu sinh "của quý" thì nguy hi, hi.......

  3. #13
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2007


    Mấy tuần nay nói chuyện "Hậu sinh khả úy" làm đổi chiều hướng chính của đề mục....Hai Bác Quang và Innocent cũng lặn mất luôn!
    Khi đề cập đến Nội và Ngoại động từ thì không thể quên 02 động từ sau:

    To run and to walk. They both are very interesting.

    run (rŭn)
    v. ran (răn), run, run·ning, runs
    v. intr.

    a. To move swiftly on foot so that both feet leave the ground during each stride.
    b. To move at a fast gallop. Used of a horse.

    2. To retreat rapidly; flee: seized the money and ran.

    a. To move without hindrance or restraint: dogs that always ran loose.
    b. To go or move about from place to place; roam: I am always running about, looking for my glasses.
    4. To migrate, especially to move in a shoal in order to spawn. Used of fish.
    a. To move or go quickly; hurry: run for the police; ran for help.
    b. To go when in trouble or distress: He is always running to his lawyer.
    c. To make a short, quick trip or visit: ran next door to borrow a cup of sugar; ran down to the store.
    a. To take part in a race or contest: ran in the marathon; athletes who run for the gold medal.
    b. To compete in a race for elected office: ran for mayor.
    c. To finish a race or contest in a specified position: ran second.

    7. To move freely, on or as if on wheels: The car ran downhill. The drawer runs on small bearings.
    8. To be in operation: The engine is running.
    9. To go back and forth especially on a regular basis; ply: The ferry runs every hour.
    10. Nautical To sail or steer before the wind or on an indicated course: run before a storm.

    a. To flow, especially in a steady stream: Fresh water runs from the spring. Turn on the faucet and let the water run.
    b. To emit pus, mucus, or serous fluid: Pollen makes my nose run.
    c. To be wet or covered with a liquid: The street ran with blood. The mourners' eyes ran with tears.

    12. To melt and flow: A hot flame will make the solder run.
    13. To spread or dissolve, as dyes in fabric: Colorfast garments are not supposed to run.
    14. To extend, stretch, or reach in a certain direction or to a particular point: This road runs to the next town.
    15. To extend, spread, or climb as a result of growing: Ivy ran up the wall.
    16. To spread rapidly: disease that ran rampant.

    a. To be valid in a given area: The speed limit runs only to the town line.
    b. To be present as a valid accompaniment: Fishing rights run with ownership of the land.

    18. To unravel along a line: Her stocking ran.
    19. To continue in effect or operation: a lease with one year to run.
    20. To pass: Days ran into weeks.
    21. To tend to persist or recur: Stinginess seems to run in that family.

    a. To accumulate or accrue: The interest runs from the first of the month.
    b. To become payable.

    23. To take a particular form, order, or expression: My reasoning runs thus. The report runs as follows.
    24. To tend or incline: Their taste in art runs to the bizarre.
    25. To occupy or exist in a certain range: The sizes run from small to large.
    26. To be presented or performed for a continuous period of time: The play ran for six months.
    27. To pass into a specified condition: We ran into debt.
    28. Informal To leave; depart: Sorry, I have to run.

    Đặc biệt lưu ý phần này:

    v. tr.
    a. To travel over on foot at a pace faster than a walk: ran the entire distance.
    b. To cause (an animal) to move quickly or rapidly: We run our hunting dogs every morning.

    2. To allow to move without restraint.
    3. To do or accomplish by or as if by running: run errands.
    4. To hunt or pursue; chase: dogs running deer.
    5. To bring to a given condition by or as if by running: The toddlers ran me ragged. 6. To cause to move quickly: She ran her fingers along the keyboard.
    a. To cause to compete in or as if in a race: He ran two horses in the Kentucky Derby. b. To present or nominate for elective office: The party ran her for senator.

    8. To cause to move or progress freely.
    9. To cause to function; operate: run a machine.
    10. To convey or transport: Run me into town. Run the garbage over to the dump.
    11. Football To attempt to advance (the ball) by carrying it.
    12. To submit for consideration or review: I'll run the idea by you before I write the proposal.
    13. Nautical To cause to move on a course: We ran our boat into a cove.

    a. To smuggle: run guns.
    b. To evade and pass through: run a roadblock.

    15. To pass over or through: run the rapids.
    16. To cause to flow: run water into a tub.
    17. To stream with: The fountains ran champagne.
    18. Metallurgy

    a. To melt, fuse, or smelt (metal).
    b. To mold or cast (molten metal): run gold into ingots.

    19. To cause to extend or pass: run a rope between the poles.
    20. To mark or trace on a surface: run a pencil line between two points.
    21. To sew with a continuous line of stitches: run a seam.
    22. To cause to unravel along a line: She ran her stocking on a splinter.

    a. To cause to crash or collide: ran the car into a fence.
    b. To cause to penetrate: I ran a pin into my thumb.

    24. To continue to present or perform: ran the film for a month.
    25. To publish in a periodical: run an advertisement.
    26. To subject oneself or be subjected to: run a risk.
    27. To have as an ongoing financial obligation: run a deficit; run a tab.
    28. Games

    a. To score (balls or points) consecutively in billiards: run 15 balls.
    b. To clear (the table) in pool by consecutive scores.

    29. To conduct or perform: run an experiment.
    30. Computer Science To process or execute (a program or instruction).
    31. To control, manage, or direct: ran the campaign by himself; a bureau that runs espionage operations.

    walk (wôk)
    v. walked, walk·ing, walks
    v. intr.

    1. To move over a surface by taking steps with the feet at a pace slower than a run: a baby learning to walk; a horse walking around a riding ring.
    a. To go or travel on foot: walked to the store.
    b. To go on foot for pleasure or exercise; stroll: walked along the beach looking for shells.
    c. To move in a manner suggestive of walking: saw a woodpecker walking up the tree trunk.

    3. To conduct oneself or behave in a particular manner; live: walks in majesty and pride.
    4. To appear as a supernatural being: The specter of famine walks through the land.
    5. Slang

    a. To go out on strike.
    b. To resign from one's job abruptly; quit.
    c. To be acquitted: The alleged killer walked.
    a. Baseball To go to first base after the pitcher has thrown four pitches ruled as balls.
    b. Basketball To move illegally while holding the ball; travel.

    7. Obsolete To be in constant motion.

    v. tr
    1. To go or pass over, on, or through by walking: walk the financial district of a city. 2. To bring to a specified condition by walking: They walked me to exhaustion.
    3. To cause to walk or proceed at a walk: walk a horse uphill.
    4. To accompany in walking; ****** on foot: walk the children home; walked me down the hall. 5. To traverse on foot in order to survey or measure; pace off: walked the bounds of the property.
    6. To move (a heavy or cumbersome object) in a manner suggestive of walking: walked the bureau into the hall.
    7. Baseball

    a. To allow (a batter) to go to first base by throwing four pitches ruled as balls.
    b. To cause (a run) to score by walking a batter. Often used with in.

    Trường hợp này đối với học sinh ở VN thì thật là lạ lùng!!!

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