I'm wewa . I'm live in vietnamese .I'm friend's dethuong_x0x ( his name Hoa ) .
My english is not well . I want to improve my english . some word to introduce .
Please correct my errors .![]()
I'm wewa . I'm live in vietnamese .I'm friend's dethuong_x0x ( his name Hoa ) .
My english is not well . I want to improve my english . some word to introduce .
Please correct my errors .![]()
Hãy làm những gì mình thích, đừng sống cuộc đời người khác áp đặt cho bản thân mình...
Chài !!! Bác wêwá có cần nói tên tớ ko ? mà lại chơi ko dấu ! người ta hiểu nhầm thì chết .
Nhất tự vi sư , bán tự vi sư
1st Version:
Anyone who teaches me one word - even half a word - is still my teacher.
2nd Version:
Even he who teaches me the smallest bit can still be called my teacher
Please correct my grammar as you see fit. Much appreciated!
Thanks xtiano very much .^^!.
To dethuong : i'm newcomer and I afraid of some body who to bully me .^^! .So , I think you can protect me .hehe. Enlish is not "có dấu" but Hoa is beautiful name ^^!.
Chac ten la Hoa Vo Khuyet ha? hay la Hoà Thuong?
@ wêwa : Correcly me ko co nghia, phai sua lai...
Hãy làm những gì mình thích, đừng sống cuộc đời người khác áp đặt cho bản thân mình...
tai nghe correcly me nó hay hay ^^! . vần như thơ ý . co réc ly ..Mi ...pờ li ...
Hoa in peace but it's not in flowers .
Nhất tự vi sư , bán tự vi sư
1st Version:
Anyone who teaches me one word - even half a word - is still my teacher.
2nd Version:
Even he who teaches me the smallest bit can still be called my teacher
Please correct my grammar as you see fit. Much appreciated!
Nhất tự vi sư , bán tự vi sư
1st Version:
Anyone who teaches me one word - even half a word - is still my teacher.
2nd Version:
Even he who teaches me the smallest bit can still be called my teacher
Please correct my grammar as you see fit. Much appreciated!