Minh khong biet lieu cai nay co dien dat duoc sang Tieng Anh duoc ko: He trung hoc pho thong chuyen truc thuoc truong DHQGHN .
Minh khong biet lieu cai nay co dien dat duoc sang Tieng Anh duoc ko: He trung hoc pho thong chuyen truc thuoc truong DHQGHN .
Nhất tự vi sư , bán tự vi sư
1st Version:
Anyone who teaches me one word - even half a word - is still my teacher.
2nd Version:
Even he who teaches me the smallest bit can still be called my teacher
Please correct my grammar as you see fit. Much appreciated!
Can be generally explained:" Highschool/Junior High -part of the Hanoi National University"..Thuc gia toi khong hieu ro cau nay nen chi dich tam vay thoi..Hope it helps!
Ngon ngu sinh ra de lam cho con nguoi co the giao tiep, de dien dat va mieu ta suy nghi.
Neu ngon ngu tao nen su kho khan khi giao tiep, that don gian hay thay doi, va phat trien de lam cho ngon ngu dep hon va cap nhat hon.
Dung de bat cu thu gi: van hoa, tu tuong chinh tri, hoac ton giao, lam ban so chi nghĩ
Think outside of the box, trust your inteligence. That's the only thing in this world you can count on.