Dear Parent or Guardian:
Your daughter/son has been selected by the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction (NCDPI) to participate in a EOG Reading Field Test of the North Carolina Checklist of Academic Standards (NCCLAS). The NCCLAS is an alternate assessment the state provides to students who meet certain criteria as established by NCDPI as an alternate assessment to the End-of-Grade tests.
This means that your child will assist educators in collecting data needed to develop high quality technically-sound state assessments that will measure students’ academic progress for students who are designated to take the NCCLAS.
There is no need for your child to study in preparation for the Reading Field Test. Your child’s grades or progress in school will not be affected in any way by participating. Results about individual students or schools will not be reported. The data will be used for the purpose of continuing to improve and develop the NCCLAS alternate assessment.
This is not a standard test, rather your child’s teachers will be collecting work samples from them & evaluating their progress throughout the year.
Respectfully yours,