Mr Black lives int he city. He has a good friend Tony. Tony moved to the country last week. Mr Black wants to visit him.
It's a fine day today. Mr Black comes to the country. But he's lost his way. So he wants to ask the way. He sees a little girl playing nearby. He goes up to her.
"Hi, little girl, where are these two ways to?" says Mr Black.
The little girl thinks for a little while and answers, "The left way is to my home, but the right way isn't to my house."
Billy and Bobby were small boys. They were brother, and they often fight with each other. Last Saturday their mother said to them, "I'm going to cook our lunch now. Go out and play in the garden... and be good."
"Yes, Mummy," the two boys answered and they went out. They played for half an hour, and then Billy ran into the kitchen. "Mummy," he said, "Bobby's broken a window in Mrs Allen's house." Mrs Allen was one of their neighbors.
"He's a bad boy," his mother said, "How did break it?"
"I threw a stone at him," Billy answered, "and he quickly moved down."

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