c'est un ébauche de traduction qui demande a être corrigée certainement, elle n'est pas définitive, mais elle peut déja être comprise

Director of Care Program for Children of the Street, And also volunteer member of the executive board of management Smile Group, group dealing with children and youth affected and infected by the HIV-AIDS.ins for Children of the Street

I came to Switzerland to participate to the seminar "Children in Situations street: Protection, Intervention and Respect Rights" organized a Zion from 16 to 20 October by the "institute of the Rights of the Child (IDE)

I would like to take my coming to Switzerland to send a CD, in which there was a massage given to HIV-positive young people. This massage is designed to stimulate the veins for a good blood circulation and strengthen their health;
the results are encouraging for young HIV-positive: they become healthy and their CD4 have clearly increased. The method is simple and anyone can do it. Personally, I made to a lot of people, who came out very quickly for their ills.

The training was given by Mr. A, a Vietnamese expatriate during his visit in HCMC. By recognizing my teacher of this therapy I will send this CD for consultation.

Please accept, Sir / Madam, the expression of my highest consideration.