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Hello, Can someone help me out with the translation of this:
sao chi lai noi chuyen voi Renz
vn chi can co nhan cuoi la xong
How could you tell Renz that in VietNam the wedding ring is the only needed.
neu nhu vay thi lam sao day
If that is so then what can I do?
da dam cuoi chi ko dc gi het
You got nothing after the wedding.
no noi voi em chi noi no ko can mua gi het chi co chiec nhan la dc
He told me that you told him that he doesn't need to buy anything else, having a ring is all done.
vay em cung hong luon het dam doi hoi no mua mot cai h gi het
So I shut my mouth up tight, and can't asking him to buy anything else.
em met qua roi chac khoi dam cuoi nay no cho met qua
I am too tired, perhaps this frustrating wedding will be cancelled.
theo khong giong nhu ba nhoc voi ba trang cho xong khoi mac cong
Give one's self for free such as Nhoc & Trang had done, worry free though.