HI Everyone, I am new here. Hoping that someone could help me with some translation as I have nobody to turn to...Hoping some kind soul here could help me with these sentences, there is more if any of you could help me, email me at
ken2792@yahoo.com. I have a strong feeling that I am being cheated by my girlfriend, hoping i can find a solution. Thank you so much
A : sao c? : ***How?
B : Hwa ve toi nha c met wa troi***Yesterday, i was too tired off when be back home
behong_dethuong: Di lam ma duoi, doi Tui no trang diem lau wa nen c xuong bar nghe nhac, mmi keu di tua roi dau luon****So, I was not so well at work
behong_dethuong: Hnay di lam noi ko e ?***Today, Are you OK at work?
A:dc ma*** That's OK
kathynguyen2608: hom wa la e da het met roi. ***Yesterday, I was not so much tired
B: Uh, e Khoe hon c do***uhm, I feel I am better than you
Anyone can help me? plssssss........
A: Hihihihihii.thoi lau nha roi nghi chuc cho Khoe roi di lam. Toi gap e nha..!!!***(Laugh)hihihihihi, Long time, not stay at at home and take the rest and wait for feeling better then back to work
Ther are alot more message, I can pay too if anyone can help me. Thank you so much
A: jo wa chua? ***Now, Do you come to me?
B: Bgio c con duoi ne.***Now, I am still here
behong_dethuong: Mo hoi chay nhu tam.***Sweaters falling as water
behong_dethuong: Ai e ?** Whom? Dare!
B : uong sua di JO***Drink milk branded Friso
A: Tren duong wa don c.***On the way to pick you up
Tui no dang o San bay*** they are at the airport now
B : oh***oh
A:E dang chat voi ai vay?