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1) em benh nhieu lam, khong biet co nen cho anh biet khong? em so anh lo lang vi em. chieu hom qua em di kham bac si, bac si noi em benh sot huyet duong ruot, nay la 3 ngay em khong an gi ? chi an chao va uong thuoc, thoi anh cung dung lo lang cho em.
I'm sick badly, don't know if its right to let you know ? I'm afraid will make you worry. I went to doctor yesterday afternoon, Doctor said I'm having "intestine bleeding", I haven't eat anything in last 3 days, except soup and medicines. don't worry for me.
2) luc nay suc khoe tot khong ?
How are you recently ?
3) em va anh ! den suot cuoc doi, khong co gi ma lai dong duoc long em. anh la tat ca doi em. hieu khong ?
You and me! the rest of my life, there isn't anything will be corrupted my heart. You are everything to me. get it ?